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To Finn and Breana's Adventures.


Finn and Breana, twins, were born the 9th of December 2000.

This is the story of their lives so far and includes such adventures as, being born 8 weeks early, congenital heart defects, heart surgery#1, #2 and many more exciting events.

To read more just click on the links below.



Please click on the buttons below to sign the twins guestbook or to email us, happy reading!


Please also visit Bree's beautiful quilt that was stiched for her from the angels at "Quilts of Love." Click here to enter Bree's Quilt of Love.


Please also visit a wonderful web site dedicated to Australian children born with congenital heart defects, and to the families that love them.


Thank you to Special Heart Graphics for the use of their wonderful congenital heart graphics. Click on the link below to view more heart graphics.


This site belongs to Karyn and was created on the 20th of November, 2001.

Welcome you are visitor number



These are AWARDS this site has won, thank you!

January 2003.

January 2003.

February 2002.

February 2002.

December 2001.

December 2001.



Thank you to Treesnest Graphics for this beautiful background!


And for a lot of the floaters in this web site, thanks Legend Designs..