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Interview: Immolation's Bob Vigna

Conducted By: Aihsile

Immolation is one of the leading bands in the death metal scene today and has been for years now. Forming from the ashes Rigor Mortis in 88, Immolation has seized to change the lineup minus the drummer, and stuck with the same themes for all 15 years of their existence. Their music is very complex, and the structure is amazing. On stage, they have some of the best presence I've ever seen live for a death metal band, and they are some of the most down to earth and killer guys I've ever met. It is my pleasure and an honor to be interviewing some of my idols and a band that inspires me so much.

Thanks Elishia! It's an honor for us to do your interview.

1.) Close to a World Below is more straight forward, then again lyrically, the anti religious is very much more blasphemous in an under-toned manner. Even though the new album is anti-Christian lyrically, it also is very anti-Catholic. Is this because of the bands past experiences with the catholic society? I know that Ross went to a catholic high school (What about the others?). How big on an impact does that have on Close to a World Below,or even the other albums?

It has alot. We grew up with alot of religion, some Catholic, some Christian. But in general it relates to all religions, and I think we'll probably expand things a bit more on the next record. Religion is a very twisted thing, can be helpful in some ways, yet be deadly in others. The position our country is in today is becasue of the abuse of religion and how manipulating the minds of the weak can cause great havoc on the entire world. We like to uncover the dark sides of religion and how it is one of the true evils of the world. I think we base our words around what we were brought up with, but this does not make us christian haters. We hate those who abuse others through religion.

2.)"Didn't you say Jesus was coming" is such a slap in the face to the Christian society. In my opinion, I don't think the fans get the full effect of the band's message if they haven't been put in the situation of a Christian society (Parents making them going to church, living in a strong Christian community, etc etc etc). Since the 50s, 60s, and 70s the Christian society has said Jesus was going to come again for the second time, and that's where the world ends. Having Close come out in 2000 (the year many Christians said Jesus was going to come) and having the statement in the beginning of the album, wouldn't you agree with me that it is a slap in the face for the Christian society? (Then again, any lyrics written genius with an anti-Christian/hateful tone, is a slap in the face to Christian scum.)

Well yes it is a slap in the face,..but to us it is more of a wake up slap. A wake up call in a way. Of course there is alot of scum out there, ..the ones who feel that they are above everyone because of their faith,..that they are so much better than others, ...when in most cases they are false and probably doing things that none of us would even think of, sexually abusing children. Yet the wake up call is not only meant to be sarcastic, but also to maybe open some eyes. To show those believers that this is just not going to happen, that this is all just a big story and nothing more. There is no god, and people are going to have to face that fact. As for the devil,..he is the only one who seems to be showing himself and at this point he's in Afghanastan.

Religion can be good to some extent, there are people who choose to live their lives for it and do all the good they can, and I commend them for it. However there are just too many involved that have other agendas and this always seems to be the priority. At times I feel the ones who are truly trying to do good just become the cover for those who are truly evil, and they don't even know it.

In our music we also look alot at self reflection, trying to contemplate what is going on inside those who are wrapped up in their beliefs and how it affects them. Although there is alot of religious references though, our songs deal with alot more than what's on the surface.

3.) How did the past two tours for Close to a World Below in the US turn out? Did you enjoy the Southern California show on this past tour?

Well we toured three times, twice in the US and once in Europe. All went very well. We toured with some really cool bands,..Goatwhore, Destroyer 666, Decapiated, Krisiun, Deranged, Soul Demise,....

We just like to get out there and play. Metal fest was also great this year again, year we hope to hit the euro festival scene finally.

4.) During the (hard) time between Dawn of Possession and Here and After, how often was the band playing shows? Did the fans still love the music, even though for five years, new material wasn't out on album? Was the band playing new material at shows? Was there ever a moment when the hardship of changing record labels, and not having an album make it difficult to want to stick with the band?

No we were pretty determined then, and actually even more now. But yes it was a hard time, but hard times make for stronger futures. We did play often in this time,..even went down to Peru to play a show. We would do a new one here and there, but it was the music of Dawn...that kept the fans there. The fans stuck with us and once we got Here in After out they knew we were still serious. It's the fans who kept us going.

5.) Immolation has been together for fifteen years now, how has the band managed to stay together so long? Especially when the band lineup is still the same to this day minus Alex, which is very commendable! Was there ever a time when the band thought of parting their ways?

No, we like what we do too much, and as long as we can still create some interesting music we will. We are really into what we do as a band and we enjoy the creating, the recording, the touring,..there are so many positive things from it. The passion has kept us going too.

6.) Through the four albums Immolation has put out, there seems to be a pattern lyrically, from album to album. Could you explain the themes for each album, and the possible patterns many people see?

Well, lets just leave that to everyone's interpretation. The bottom line is we put alot of thought into the words and this enables people to go deeper if they wish to. Everyone is going to look at the music, the lyrics, the artwork in a different way and that's what makes it special.

7.) When Immolation was formed, what were the original goals? How many goals has Immolation achieved already? What are the new (or old) goals for the band today?

Well we have achieved alot. We never set out to make albums, we just liked music. Then as time went on things grew and grew. We have come a long way and feel that we still have alot of ground to cover, and are capable of doing it. At this point we have no doubts about achieving even impossible goals. We are more focused and determined then ever before to succeed. Although we've reached many levels of success, we still want to move things to the next level. There are no limits,...we'll continue to do our best, and we'll see what happens.

8.) What do you feel about the metal scene today? In the US, where do you think has the biggest scene?

I think in the main stream of metal is really starting to move in a more extreme direction, and I think that will continue. Although there is a lot of non sense so called metal, there are also a few acts that are pushing the boundaries. I think those boundaries can be broken and we will do all we can to push that forward. Metal has been put down pretty bad for the last decade and time has come for that to change.

9.) Through all the albums, the band speaks about 'god,' when speaking about 'god' in your music, is it metaphorically speaking? Or does the band actually believe in 'god' and 'Satan'? Could you explain the band's beliefs? Are the beliefs of the band the same as personal beliefs.

God and the devil do not exist. They are personifications of good and evil. Everyone wants to think that when they die they will be in some great plain of existence,..and i really hope that's true to some extent, ..who knows, ...but at this point we are here on earth, and that is about it. We have to believe in ourselves and the only god and devil there is , is what man creates.

10.) When should we expect another Immolation album? Is the band currently working on new material? Or will be in the near future?

Yes we will start rehearsing soon and get the new material underway. We plan to record in January if all goes well.

11.) What are your feelings about Bill Zebub?

He is a strange duck. especially when he is in disguise. He's like the Howard Stern of the metal scene. I like what he does with our photos, doesn't get much funnier than that. Hell, laughter keeps us going too.

12.) All the females want to know; Ross how long did it take to get your hair that long? What hair products do you use? Do you manage your hair?

Well I can't speak for Ross,....but personally I've been growing my hair for at least 24 hours at this time,...I use Gillette shaving cream for cleansing,.....and a bic shaver to take a little off the top now and then,'s pretty easy to manage actually,.......thanks for asking!

13.) the years In all Immolation has played shows, what band are you most proud to have played with?

Ah, we are pretty proud to play with all the bands,..we are a proud people.

14.) I know Immolation consumes most of the band's free time. Does the band ever have spare time for other hobbies?

No,..hahaha! i mean we use any amount of spare time with the band. My current hobbies are work,...and then after that is my second job. Then there's my spare time,..IMMOLATION. Cheers!

15.) Closing up, does the band have any last words?

Thanks alot for the interview and support Elishia, we appreciate it greatly. We would like to thank all those who have been writing in about the attacks on Sept 11th. We are glad to see such support for what happened and what is being done about it now.

Keep the unholy fires burning! Visit us at

Interview: Sol Evil’s Vocalist, Lord Morder

Conducted by: Aihsile

Let me start out by saying that you guys have put on a great show every Time I have seen Sol Evil; you surprise us all at every show. The band has done a Terrific job keeping Sol Evil together. The new material is outstanding; Much different than the older material. We need more black metal bands Here in southern California like Sol Evil.

1.) Why was Sol Evil Started?

Sol Evil was started to influence the human race towards terrorism and Violence towards white light religions. Music is secondary to the cause that We stand for.

2.) What is the meaning of Sol Evil (How did you come up with the name?

Sol Evil is a mixture between the languages of Latin and English. It means “Evil Sun”. We represent the coming of the new Dark Age, and the name was thus Appropriate for our Horde.

3.) What are your biggest influences? Why? What are some of the band’s Influences?

All those who have fought with conviction against the b*st*rd Christ and Those many religions so similar are greatly admired by us. Musically we are Influenced by a great many things: black metal, death metal, classical, Etc.... I would say bands that hold musical influence on us would be such as Setherial, Marduk, (Old) Mayhem, Death, Slayer, and scores of others, however we do not attempt to duplicate another band's style in any way. We are our Own independent Horde and our music is an example of this.

4.) What is the goal for the band?

To spread terrorism and hatred to the masses ending all light and goodness Here on earth. Death to all who oppose the ruler of Hell and Earth!

5.) What band were you most happy to play with and why?

All the bands this far that we have shared the battlefield with are worthy. There is always more of a sense of comradeship when we battle with bands who are of the same recording label, so Sumeria, Legions, Resuscitator, and Mictlantecuhtli are obvious bands that stick out to us.

6.) What are you personal beliefs about religion?

I am very Gnostic, meaning I interpret religion in my own way. This Interview is by no means willing to permit such a long drawn out statement, but I can tell you that I associate none with these so-called "modern" Satanists, and I don't quite fit in with the definition of "traditional" Satanists in the common sense either. I advocate evil and consider myself more of a Devil Worshipper than a "Satanist". Let those readers use their Imagination on what actual beliefs I may have.

7.) Does the band view the same as you do?

For the most part, however each member has their own unique ideas and Opinions on the matter. The main point however is that we are all of the same cause, therefore we don't let petty differences stand in the way of our Ultimate goals.

8.) Unlike most black metal bands in the US, you "practice what you Preach," what do you think about "untrue" black metal bands, and why do You have so much feeling and "emotion," so to speak in your music, opposed To other bands?

These "untrue" bands are pathetic philosophers who must reason their Emotions to justify them. They are so worried about what their music sounds Like and how they look to the public that they forget the true meaning of Black metal. Sol Evil are true warriors, therefore we put our all into the Music and message, as well as our extra curricular activities to end white Light religion. Never will we "sell out" or become less drawn to the cause.

9.) After losing many musicians, who was your biggest loss and why?

Berserk was by far our biggest loss. Being committed to the mental Institution we have been without him for a year already! He is a very dark And special soul with the same ideas and plans as I. The good news is that He is now out of the institution and shall be rejoining the Horde on Guitars.

10.) I’ve noticed that the band has taken the turn to more of a Dark Funeral sound, why has the style changed?

Dark Funeral? I think "their style" is totally wasted on the pathetic Weaklings that they are! We add so much more to the music and to the message Than these commercial "black metallers". Our music is becoming darker and More powerful so to spread the message and influence the masses more easily. This is a much necessary change. No other style could possibly hold our Extreme message within.

11.) Any last words?


Interview with Noctuary's Vocalist/Guitarist; Joey

Conducted By: Aihsile

Hail Joey. I must say every single time I've seen you fellas, you suprise me. Since the Sol Evil Cd Release Show my jaw has dropped watching your set. You guys are talented as fuck musicians, and I'm more than happy to say that Noctuary is one of the leading USBM bands and from my home state. Everyone needs to see Noctuary, they will be amazed!!!!

*Hails Lish... thanks a lot, we really sucked at that release party too, haha. But I'm glad you liked it...*

1.) As you started Noctuary, what was the orignal goal for Noctuary? Being the only remaining original member of Noctuary, do you feel like Noctuary has sucessfully completed that goal?

*Noctuary was started as a means to express our art, emotions, and having a good time. Our only goals were to record albums, play live, and be somewhat successful in our journey. Success to me means anywhere from 10 fans to 1,000,000 fans... and it has definitely been a fulfilling ride. I think we've accomplished everything we've wanted and reached a comfortable peak... we just hope this journey continues in a positive manner.*

2.) Could you give me a brieft bio on the band?

*Noctuary was formed in the summer of '96 from the ashes of the death/black entity Summoned. Since our formation we have recorded our demo, Where All Agony Prevails, and two albums for Lost Disciple Records(For Salvation... and When Fires Breed Blood). Where all Agony Prevails was re-released in 2000 by Largactyl records onto CD.*

3.) What has been the Biggest accomplishment already for Noctuary?

*I'd say our recent East Coast stint was our biggest accomplishment. It was one of the best things that has happened for the band. We played a killer show in NY with the Haunted and did a festival in Worcester, Mass. We even had time to take a tourist day in Boston. That was one of the most killer things that we have done thus far.*

4.) What are your influences, band wise and any other subjects that influence you to write?

*Musically I'm influenced by bands like Maiden, Ozzy, old Metallica/Megadeth, and the spirit of the early 90s extreme metal bands like Dismember, Rotting Christ, Abigor, Hypocrisy, etc. I'm also greatly influenced by my classical studies and composers such as Schoenberg, Messaien, Debussy, etc. As far as lyrics, life is always an inspiration... and literature strictly influences writing style, rather than topics.*

5.) Noctuary has already toured through the U.S., which band have you most been pleased with to play with? Why?

*We haven't really toured, per se.. but we always love to do a show with Impaled. A killer bunch of goofs who are amazing live and write awesome music. It's always fun to hang out with those guys... hopefully one day we'll do some more shows/small tours with them. It's also always killer to play with the down to earth local bands like Sumeria, Sol Evil, Nokturne, Resuscitator, etc... even if the turnouts aren't so spectacular... it's always a good time. *

6.)Do you feel that "When Fires Breed Blood" is the best material Noctuary has written?

*When Fires Breed Blood is definitely some of the best material we have recorded thus far. The best material we have written seems to lie within the new material we've been writing. The new songs are turning out pretty killer and I can't wait to get them recorded... we'll probably get a two song promo recorded to pass out to labels, the press and friends sometime in the fall. *

7.) Who was the biggest loss to Noctuary after leaving? How bad did the leaving affect the band?

*Although it didn't have much of an impact on the band's progress, when Ed Knecht had to leave it was definitely a big loss. We've been friend's for 4 years now, and he was totally cool to hang out with, a great musician, and worked well with the band. I was sorry to see him go, but his life really couldn't afford him time to commit to the band anymore. One of the most impactful departures was from Ian, the original drummer. After he left, Noctuary was in a state of limbo for months. Luckily Rob(who is our drummer now) was able to fill in for us back in those days... and even more luckily... he was able to join the band full time in early 2000.*

8.) Ive heard rumors that your bassist really isn't working out in the band. whats the story behind it?

*Well, we hardly talk to the guy. We practice three times a week... tuesdays, thursdays, and sundays. He never calls, never shows to practice. Really unreliable as of late and we can't wait around for him any longer.*

9.) Thanks for your time, keep up the good work. Any last words?

*Thanks for the interview and your support, you rule!! And a massive hails to the local metal scene!!! \m/ *

Incantaion Interview, with Aihsile vocalist/guitarist, Mike

1.) How exactly did you got into incan?

Back in 1995 I was playing guitar for Mortician,and also my own band Deathrune. Back then Will Rahmer(Mortician bassist/vocalist) use to talk to John (Incantation) alot. I had known John from going to shows because he use to live close by in New Jersey. Anyway, John didnt have a guitarist back then, and had to record a demo tape for Relapse. He got intouch with Will, and asked him if i would be interested in helping him out.I helped John with that, and that led to me playing with the band till 1997. After that I left to go to school. When I finished my classes John asked me to play some shows(this was early 1999)playing guitar and singing. The shows went over very well, and i decided to stay permanently.

2.) isnt it ironic that you were in Mortician and now in incantation, and Will was in Incan and now in Mortician?

Yeah i guess it is. Will was pretty much the person that hooked me up to jam with Incantation. If i never played in Mortician I probably wouldnt of ever joined Incantation. I remember Incantation played a show in 1996 in NYC with Deicide. Will sang because the band didnt have a vocalist at the time,and i was playing guitar. It was a really cool show,and I had a great time playing Incantation stuff with him. The fans also really dug it.

3.) What happened between the band and relapse? and why are you fellas now on Necropolis?

Well, basically we werent happy with how Relapse was treating us.We werent happy with the promotion they were doing for "The Infernal Storm". There was also a few other issues that we both disagreed on. When we needed help from them, or tried to work with them on things it just never produced any positive results for us. After us both deciding it would be best for us to part ways they sold our contract to Necropolis records.

4.) Was the change for better or for worse? Compare, contrast, what has necropolis done for incan that relapse wouldn't have? Has necropolis failed to do anything that relapse would have?

The change was definetally for the better. It worked out great for us to go to Necropolis. Necropolis is a true metal label. We felt like we didnt fit in with Relapses selection of new bands. There were no other blaspemous bands at all on Relapse. Necropolis has people that are 100 percent metal. That really means alot. Most people at Relapse arent into underground metal. Necropolis is actually excited about working with us,and promoting our next album. That is something that over the years didnt happen with Relapse. Its still pretty early to see how good of a job Necropolis is going to do for us,but so far everything is going good.

5.) What were your thoughts on the infernal storm?

We were happy with how The Infernal Storm came out. Of coarse now we look back on it, and realize some mistakes,or certain parts that we could of changed. Its always like that when you record something. I think that everyone put there all into it. Dave Culross did session drums, and he did a remarkable job. The production was probably the best to date that Incantation has ever had.

6.) Incan is currently working on new material, how does it compare to the rest of the material? Is it the best yet?

I personally think that it is some of our best material to date. We are actually in the studio recording now. We have the drums, and guitars done so far.I think the music is similar to the older material yet there is some new stuff going on in the songs. I feel that alot of the fans who really enjoyed the first 2 Incantation releases will really appreciate this one. It has a really older,darker Incantation feel to it.

7.) I know incan had to call off the rest of the US tour, basically the whole tour, which really sucked, when will incan be touring the US again? Too bad you fellas couldn't get on the bill for the Enthroned/Sol Evil tour.

Yeah that would of been a really killer tour! Maybe sometime in the future we can tour with them. We probably wont be doing any tours anywhere till this next album is out. It should be out later this year. We are still in the studio finishing it up. When its done we are going to take off some time. We feel we did a good amount of touring for The Infernal Storm.We did 3 U.S. tours,3 weeks in South America,and a bunch of shows in Germany for it.This next album we also plan to tour as much as this if not more.

8.) Rob is out of the band, could you explain the mishaps leading up to his departure.

Rob chose to leave on his own. Everyone in the band felt bad of coarse,but he has his own personal reasons for leaving. I still talk to him and consider him one of my very good friends.

9.)Even though only having Joe Lombard for a short while could you say he is "incan material"? I know he isnt permenate as of now but do you think Joe working with the band could lead to that?

Joe is a really excellent bassist. He is a real perfectionist which is something that we are very happy about. His first show that he played with us was in Germany. Till then he had never really played outside of his hometown for more than a couple of hundred people. He hasnt played in front of people in almost 10 years,then he comes with us to Germany and is playing a fest in front of a few thousand. He did a excellent job on those shows,and is going to be playing bass on our new album. As far as working with him in the future we would love to. Yes, i do feel he in "Incan material",but we will have to see what happens with his schedule and ours.

10.) closing up, have any last words? Thanks for your time Mike

Thanks Elishia. We really appreciate your support. Expect our new album out later on this year. Also check our website at Support true Underground metal!!!!!!!!!!!!

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