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Click On The Left Arrow For The Animal's Sound!

Welcome to ANIMALphabet, where you can learn your letters, animals, and even hear what the animals sound like!

To get started, read or write, each set of letters for practice.

Then, drag the pointer to a set of letters, and click on the picture of the animal that appears.

A page will appear where you will be able to read, and learn things, about the animal. And if you follow the simple instructions under the sound bar, which is under the animal's picture, you will even be able to hear what the animal sounds like!




ANIMALphabet!! was created (& is copyrighted) by Pat Lyden, June 2001. This website is dedicated to the memory of "Little Prince Henry of Laurel Avenue", July 1992-May 2001, our beloved Beagle, and first little boy...

Thursday, 03-Oct-2024 11:18:33 EDT





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