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Psychiatric Medications
ECT & Herbal Therapy
Symptoms of Mood Disorders
Causes of Mood Disorders
Childhood-Onset Bipolar
Attention Deficit Disorder
Anxiety Disorders
Autism and Other PDDs
Disruptive Disorders
Dissociative Disorders
Eating Disorders & Dieting
Personality Disorders
Schizophrenia and Psychosis
Information on Self-Injury
Somatoform Disorders
All About Psychotherapy
Are You in a Crisis Now?
Art, Poetry & Mental Illness
BPhoenix Advice Columns
Free/Low Cost Medications
Ongoing Clinical Trials
Online Support, Boards & Chat
Stigma and Mental Illness
Working and Disability
Recommended Reading
Psychological Humor
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BPhoenix Support and Interaction


Communication and interaction with others that suffer from the same mental disorders as you can be comforting as well as healing. Who better to provide you with information, motivation, and a shoulder to lean on than someone who knows what it is really like to be you?

BPhoenix encourages you to research your illness and to reach out to others dealing with the same conditions. Support groups can be found online and in your local community. If you are interested in joining a local support group, check with your psychiatrist or therapist - or contact a local hospital for more information.

BPhoenix offers a number of email support groups and message boards online for your use. A chat room is also available on this website.


If you would like to request the addition of another group, board, or chat room - please do so here.




You are not alone in your struggle!!!


Unlike many other support groups, BPhoenix will not criticize or condemn you for sharing your opinions or expressing your beliefs.

All information contained in this web site is strictly for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your medical doctor or psychiatrist.
Copyright © 2001-2013 BPhoenix, All Rights Reserved.
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This Site Updated 04/09/11