Mood Disorders Information: |
Bipolar Disorder
A comprehensive source for information about bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression.
Bipolar Disorder Newsletter
A newsletter written by two individuals with bipolar disorder. Offers practical information and insights into living with the disorder.
Bipolar Disorder Sanctuary
Dr's bipolar disorder (manic depression) archive, articles, books, research, newsletter, community, family section, clinician's forum, and more.
Bipolar Home
Bipolar, disorder, Manic-depresion, Free web Space, Hyper-Mania, Mania, Depression, Books
BPSO Public Pages
The BPSO Public Pages are the web site for the BPSO (BiPolar Significant Others) mailing list, a source of support and information for the family, friends and loved ones of persons suffering from bipolar disorder (manic depression).
Child & Adolescent Bipolar Foundation
Parent-led, not-for-profit, membership organization with full-text library, resource center, and virtual community center for families of children and adolescents with bipolar disorder and professionals who serve them.
Complete Depression Guide Clear, pratical
advice on psychological and emotional states, bringing guidance to sufferers and their families. Knowing when to seek help, what help is available and where to find it.
Cycle of Moods
This page is about bipolar disorder: Awareness, Signs and symptoms, Treatment and Getting Help.
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
Our mission: To improve the lives of people living with mood disorders
Dr. Ivan's Depression Central
This site is Internet's central clearinghouse for information
on all types of depressive disorders and on the most effective treatments for individuals
suffering from all forms of depression.
Australia's bipolar website
Bipolar Disorder, Manic Depression. Expert information, bipolar disorder, manic depression support groups, bipolar chat, journals, support lists.
McMan's Depression and Bipolar Web
More than 250 articles on depression and bipolar disorder - from diagnosis and treatment to personal essays and experiences - plus discussions, news, newsletter, community depression and bipolar disorder message boards and chat, online depression and bipolar disorder book store, and annotated links.
The Meehl Foundation
A non-profit organization that offers information and services to the families and friends of Bipolar Disorder sufferers, many of whom do not have the financial means to receive adequate and necessary resources.
The Mercurial Mind
What does it feel like to be manic? What does it feel like to be depressed? Why me? Answers to these questions and more.
National Foundation for Depressive Illness
What is it and what can you do about it?
NIMH - Bipolar Disorder
National Institute of Mental Health, NIMH, bipolar disorder, manic depression
NIMH - Depression
National Institute of Mental Health, NIMH, depression
Poetry Reflecting Life's Journey
Poetry website written by a woman with bipolar disorder detailing her experiences of being sexually abused as a child and her subsequent mental illness.