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Stress Management

Feeling "stressed out" does not mean you are weak or unable to cope with the responsibilities in your life. Stress effects everyone! Dealing with high levels of stress for long periods of time is unhealthy, however, and can be especially harmful if you are also trying to cope with a mental disorder at the same time. Below are some common signs of stress and some techniques for dealing with stress, both in the workplace and at home.

Common Signs of Stress:

Skin problems
Muscle tension and stiffness
Poor memory and concentration
Difficulty sleeping
Changes in appetite
Mood swings

Common Sources of Stress at Work:

Crowding or insufficiant work space
Loud or excessive noise
Dirty or untidy conditions
Too little or too much light
Too much or too little work
Time pressures and deadlines
Changes in procedures and policies without notice
Lack of job security
Lack of opportunity for advancement

Common Sources of Stress at Home:

Financial problems
Problems in your relationships
Ill-health of you or a family member
Birth of a child or death of a loved one
Moving or preparing to move
Change in employment status of any family member
Insufficiant support and help around the house
Crowded living conditions
Lack of sleep or nutrition

Some Tips for Dealing with Stress:

Be aware of the warning signs of stress.
Try to avoid associating with people you find draining or stressful.
Try and eat a balanced diet.
Find at least 20 minutes each day for relaxation and/or meditation.
Exercise! Running and swimming are two great ways to let tension out.
Do not let one area of your life, such as work or home, dominate the other areas.
Indulge yourself without feeling guilty about it at least once a week. A massage or trip to the movies can be very refreshing
Get more sleep and try to minimize interruptions.
Avoid excessive use of alcohol and drugs.
Stay away from caffeine.
Avoid the use of sleeping pills and tranquilizers to cope with stress or induce sleep.
Don't let others take advantage of you. If you feel overwhelmed - tell them so!
If you believe your working conditions are stressful, demand they be changed.
Don't be afraid to open up and talk to someone about what is bothering you.
If you need professional help - ask for it. There is no reason to be ashamed of feeling overwhelmed and needing professional advice or assistance.

All information contained in this web site is strictly for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your medical doctor or psychiatrist.
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This Site Updated 04/09/11