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Danny's Summer 2000 Photo Series Section D

Danny: Hi everybody. Yo po sae ao...! I have just scanned 56 new photos of mine lately. They were all taken by me in Hong Kong during summer 2000. :)
There are 6 pages (section A to F) in my summer 2000 photo series, and here is one of the sections (Section D). These are some of the latest photos of mine. If I have time, I would like to have more photos developed. Some of the photos in this series are pretty natural, some are quite funny though. I hope you like my photos anyway! Enjoy. :)

Continued - Picture 29

Au Family is Drinking Tea

Au Family is Drinking Tea

This photo is taken in August 27 in Hoover Chinese Restaurant in Ho Man Tin. I'm taking lunch (yum cha) with Au Family and my brother Wesley. From left to right are cousin Adece, cousin Derek, Uncle Alan, Uncle Francis, Aunt Abrey, cousin Jeanette, grandma, myself (Danny) and Aunt Rebecca.

Picture 30

Danny, Kuku and Wesley in The Peak

Danny, Kuku and Wesley in The Peak

This photo is taken in August 24 in the top level of the peak mall in The Peak. The left one is my aunt, Cissie. I usually call her Kuku. And the one on the right is my elder brother Wesley. We have a sightseeing there for a half of day.

Picture 31

Danny, Kuku and Ye-ku in Tsim Sha Tsui

Danny, Kuku and Ye-ku in Tsim Sha Tsui

This photo is taken in August 28 in a hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui. We are picking up washed clothes in a store there. The left one is Ye-ku (Aunt Grace), but I simply call her ye-ku, who is a sister of Aunt Cissie.

Picture 32

Kuku getting mooncake in Maxim's Restaurant

Kuku getting mooncake in Maxim's Restaurant

This photo is taken in August 29 in New Century Plaza's Maxim's Chinese Restaurant. After drinking tea, kuku, ye-ku, Wesley and one of my cousins Angel get the mooncake. The mooncakes are for me to bring to Canada for souvenir.

Picture 33

Danny in Ye-ku's House

Danny in Ye-ku's House

This photo is taken in August 28 in Ye-ku's house's living room. Ye-ku is playing mahjong game with his son and some other people. I play mahjong with them sometimes. You can also see my other cousin and his girlfriend Laura.

Picture 34

Angel is Sleeping on Sofa

Angel is Sleeping on Sofa

This photo is taken in August 25 in Ye-ku's house. This is a fun photo I recognize. You can see my cousin, Angel is sleeping on her grandma's house's sofa. I'm thinking about should I put this to my homepage or not. Anyway, I wish my cousin does not see this photo, otherwise, haha.

Picture 35

Danny in New Century Plaza

Danny in New Century Plaza

This photo is taken in August 29 in New Century Plaza near Prince Edward. I take this photo with Wesley, cousin Lisa (Elisa's sister) and her daughter Yi Yan. We are watching a nice ghost movie in the mall.

Picture 36

Danny, Wesley and Lisa's Family

Danny, Wesley and Lisa's Family

This photo is taken in August 29 night in the same place of the previous photo. We just choose a place to take photo. The left two people are my cousin Lisa's sons. After watching ghost movie, we go to Pizza Hut for our dinner.

Picture 37

Tang Family is Ready to Eat

Tang Family is Ready to Eat

This photo is taken in September 9 in Ye-ku's house. Elisa (I call her tse tse sometimes), Lemon, ye-ku and kuku etc. are waiting for dinner. Usually, kuku is the one who cooks most every night, and they simply put all dishes and foods on the mahjong table in the living room. I think chicken is my favorite food on the table.

Picture 38

Tang Family Eating Dinner in YWCA

Tang Family Eating Dinner in YWCA

This photo is taken in August 26 night in YWCA's cafe in Ho Man Tin. We are taking our delicious dinner. You can see cousin Angel is sleeping again! I kind of like the foods there and the price of foods order there is reasonable. You may wonder why you cannot always see me in most of the photos, that's because I'm always the one who holds the camera!

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  • FinKLsPrinceDanny's Land was created and is maintained by Danny S. from Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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