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First of all, I want to say that this is my opinion, and my opinion alone. I am not trying to force my views onto anyone, nor do I believe that everyone will feel as I do. This is simply my view on the Yankees, who I DESPISE beyond words. Now I know that some people ACTUALLY like the Yankees (God knows why!), but I am not one of them. So please, don't email me asking why I feel this way, and why I'm so spiteful towards the Yankees. Having said that, any hate mail that I do receive will be posted on my site and properly ridiculed :)

"Rooting for the Yankees takes all the courage, imagination, conviction, and baseball intelligence of Spam."
- Rick Reily

Okay, the Yankees are a good team. I'll admit that. I mean, they've won 26 World Championships - obviously they have talent. However, contrary to what Yankee fans may believe (or should I say WANT to believe), people do not hate them because of the fact that they win. SO GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEADS THAT WE ARE NOT JEALOUS OF YOU!!!

It would take about a century for me to vent all my anger and tell you every reason why I hate them. So, let's see... hmmmm... First and foremost, the Yankees are just plain cocky. The most obvious example: Roger Clemens. He has got to be one of the most arrogant and egotistical players ever! Sure, he gave Toronto some good seasons, but no one was sad to see him leave! I think Will McDonough of the Boston Globe says it all:

I think we all remember this...

"(Clemens) has no faults. Just ask him. Can you remember one time in his career here when he said he did anything wrong? That he simply stunk some night when he got hit hard? Or gave the other team credit when he did get a hit? No. There was always some other factor. The umpires were squeezing him. His mechanics were bad. His back was sore. He didn't like the general manager. Even though everyone around the Red Sox organization said he was overweight, he said he wasn't. He just looked fat, he said, because of the side effects of the anti-inflammatories he was taking. Or he got big because he was lifting so much weight, reflecting his self-described 'great work ethic.'"
I also hate the fans. They come up to Toronto (dressed in all of their Yankee attire, of course!) waving their huge Yankee flags and banners. Must you come up here and disturb all the people trying to PEACEFULLY watch a baseball game!!!??? And don't even get me started on the so-called "bleacher creatures". It just shows how immature and imprudent Yankee fans are! An umpire, referring to what it's like at Yankee stadium, says:
"Going to a Yankee game for the first time is like waking up in a Brazilian jail."
I also hate the way the Yankees seem to OWN the umps (which was rather obvious in a post season game in '99 versus Boston!!!). It's like the umpires are afraid to call anything against the Yankees, for fear that they (the Yankees) will dislike them or something! It's like it doesn't matter if every other team in baseball hates them, as long as the Yankees don't hate them!!! Stupid umpires! The Yankees failing to tag
Offerman at second, yet for
some reason he was called
out. I'll let you decide...
Finally, I hate the Yankees because of Derek Jeter (who is VERY overrated!). There is so much hype surrounding him, and I don't know why?! Okay, he's a pretty good shortstop. But he's definitely not the best out there!!! Do you think he'd actually be getting this much attention if he didn't play for the Yankees?!?! The media builds him up to be some sort of god. Yeah, like he'd be getting this much publicity if he played for a team like the Devil Rays (nothing against Devil Rays, I'm just using it as an example). The plain and simple truth is that Jeter gets exposure because he plays for a contending team that wins World Championships. And I know people are going to say that he's the best "because of his rings… A-Rod and Nomar don't have four World Series rings…" But unless Jeter caught, pitched, played first, second, third, short, left, right and center all at the same time, he didn't win those rings by himself!

Can you honestly tell me that you
find this attractive?!
I also don't get why girls think he's so cute. In my opinion, he is one of the ugliest on the team!! He has awful hair that makes his head look square in shape!!! He's not cute in the least bit. If he wasn't the shortstop for the New York Yankees, I bet not one girl would give him a second look if they saw him walking down the street.
So I think I have made my point, and have gone on long enough about why I hate the Yankees. I just hope now Yankee fans understand that we don't hate them because we're jealous; we hate them because they're cocky, because of their fans, and because they are so overrated!
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