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"CREATIVE COUNTERPART" by: Linda Dillow A Focus on the Proverb 31 Woman

A Full Quiver (Family Planning and the Lordship of Christ)

Authors: Rick Hess, Jan Hess A current, reprinted edition is sold directly by the authors for $10 postpaid in the USA:

Rick & Jan Hess

7014 Chandler Acres Dr

Bellevue NE 68147

Telephone (402) 731-6654

(The original 1990 Wolgemuth & Hyatt edition, ISBN 0-943497-83-3, is now out of print.)

THE BIBLE AND BIRTH CONTROL By Charles D. Provan A scriptural discourse on this controversial subject. If you are interested in checking out the Word of God, this book is recommended. The Bible and Birth Control Author: Charles D. Provan Date: 1989 Publisher: Zimmer Printing, Monongahela, Pennsylvania $6.95 ORDER

DOES THE BIRTH CONTROL PILL CAUSE ABORTIONS? Randy Alcorn's book is a thorough medical and spiritual analysis of the evidence for abortions from oral contraceptives. 3.95ORDER

The Way Home ~~Author: Mary Pride~~Date: 1985

Publisher: Crossway Books, a division of Good News Publishers, Westchester, Illinois

All the Way Home~~Author: Mary Pride~~Date: 1989

Publisher: Crossway Books, a division of Good News Publishers, Westchester, Illinois

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