This is our children's section of the site. As you may have read earlier,we have seven beautiful children. Raising children, especially today can be such a challenge. We are always mindfull of the fact that these children are God's gift to us. He entrusted them to us and therefore is a great responsiblity to raise them for His glory.
We seek to raise a godly heritage unto the Lord. What we feel is the most important areas to train our children in is: respect, responsibility, gentleness of spirit, love for others, obedience, learning, nurturing talents, and a dedication to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The last mentioned here are the most important of all of these. Many people may
say that we are strict but I feel that we are simply teaching our children right from wrong and what the scripture tells us that God expects from our lives! We love our children emmensely! Though they are a great responsibility and monoplolize most of our time they are truly a blessing given by God! Thank you Lord!
Some of my favorite and most helpful scriptures are listed below.
Proverbs 31:10-31 They give me a guideline of a godly and wise woman. I seek to do my best(with God's help)to be a good wife, mother, servant, friend, and woman. I pray that I will live up to my calling.
Psalm 127:3-5 How God views children.
Family Size: Who's Decision is it Anyway?
*To see my precious children click here.*
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