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This page I hope will help other women to see what a great priviledge

and responsibility God has given to us to fullfill.

I pray that this brings to you encouragement and challenges to live to be all

that God has called us to be as Christian women.

First, if you don't know Jesus as your personal Lord and

Saviour then this may not make sence to you or even seem possible.


As I said before, God calls us to fullfill a great responsibility.

This is outlined for us in Proverbs, in the description of the wise woman.

This is alot to strive for, thank God that He gives us strength to

achieve all He desires us to achieve!Whether married, single, mother or not,

if you are a christian woman, God has set before you a calling to

Godliness and has given us a plan for fullfilling the woman's calling and position

that God has designed and expects.

Thank the Lord that He provides all we need to accomplish such a great and

awesome task, to become a woman of excellence!

For some great and encouraging books with practical application

concerning how to become the woman God intended, please check out my BOOK LIST


|Welcome Page| Contents Page| Meet Christ| Meet our Tribe| Our Children's Pages| Women's Section| Ministry Section| Family Issues Homeschooling| Family History| Book List| Personal Links| Awards Page| Photo Album|
