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This is a picture of me and my friends. From left to right: Me, Audrey, Emily, Burb. Burb lives in Mount Vernon now and i think he is friends with Tom McCullough. Ow...

This is a picture of me and more of my friends. Jones is upside down. Pabs (Ben) has the sexy smirk. I am the blonde kid whose nose you are looking up.

This is Megan, or mom as we called her during the play. I still call her that. She's way cool, but tell her otherwise, it keeps her from getting cocky and not cleaning up after us, cooking us soup, and making sure all our clothes are hung up...:)

This is a pic of me and Sally at the end of 8th grade. This is a neato picture, i like it. Sally is gonna be in my movie, the Ped Mall Witch Project, that is, if we can ever get a time that we can film it... Sally's pretty cool, although she chooses...not to act like it. ;)

This is me and Jiminy Cricket. I'm on the right. This is from the marching band trip to Florida in April of 1999. That trip kicked ass, I had a great time.

Me and the Wicked Witch from Snow White. She was really mean to me, after I got her autograph, she threw my book on the ground and walked off...I still had a good time, though

It's the famous slime fountain at Nickelodeon Studios. That was easily the highlight of my trip. It was like...a childhood dream come true. I saw the actual Double Dare podium, and took a picture, but it wasn't in the pictures when I got them back...Me and Dan were really cool on the tour, we kept yelling about Double Dare...If you ever go to Universal Studios Florida, TAKE THE TOUR!!!

It's my BABY! Yes, my red 1993 Toyota Tercel is the coolest thing on earth. If you want a ride, just ask.

This is Oliver. He lives in North Carolina.

(Oregon State Police composite artist's rendition)


Be on the lookout for Joel "BEAR" Donham. Consider HIGHLY DANGEROUS!! Defining features: Freckles all over, multiple scars from various operations, fake hip, fake elbow, EXTREMELY Scottish, eyes turn bright red when provoked. Last seen somewhere in Oregon. Known to sign name like this: or this: . DO NOT APPROACH him if you find him! Notify the state police IMMEDIATELY and take NO action yourself!!! That is all.

This is Dani and her sister, Karianne (Isn't that a pretty name?). She lives in California. Dani is a random buddy of mine, she found me on AIM about 2 months ago. Dani is the tall one; she's pretty wacky. She's a very good artist, if you'd like to see some of Dani's art, CLICK ME!!! I only talked to Karianne once for about 2 minutes. She said I was weird, and I got scared, it was like she had known me for a long time...

This is Chris. He lives in New York.

This is Brian. Better known as Wiese. If you ever talk to him, tell him that this is a good picture. He'll kill you.

I have built up quite a collection of picture os this individual, many of which are stupid and he hates them. So, being the nice guy I am, I created this page in tribute to his anti-photogenic-osity. You can click his picture too.

This is Pabs (Ben). He's really calm. No, really

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