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The source is the BBC. Pattern for Doctor Who's Scarf ------------------------------ Requirements: #9 knitting needle One ounce balls of yarn as follows: 3 purple 6 camel The tassels are made from 1 foot 3 bronze lenghs of yarn. 7 tassels on each end, 3 mustard combining all 7 colors. 4 rust 3 grey 4 greenish brown (referred to as "green") Cast on 60 stitches (Mine is 40 and is almost a foot wide. 40 should lengthen the scarf a little). Always slip the first stitch. Knit in the following order down the columns: 8 purple rows 10 camel 52 camel 8 grey 16 bronze 40 rust 10 mustard 14 mustard 22 rust 20 green 8 purple 8 purple 20 green 42 camel 8 mustard 12 bronze 28 camel 20 grey 14 rust 8 rust 8 bronze 12 purple 10 purple 6 camel 42 green 14 mustard 8 mustard 54 green 16 grey 16 rust 8 rust 12 grey 54 camel 8 mustard 10 purple 20 bronze 12 green 10 purple 8 mustard 12 camel 18 rust 32 grey 8 purple 10 rust 38 bronze 16 mustard CAST OFF [And just to clarify, the #9 (knitting needle) refers to U.S. sizes.]