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The Key to Time Scarf Pattern

1980 SCARF

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The below article was taken from the 12/89 issue of "The Prydonian Renegade", the newsletter of the Prydonians of Prynceton. (A correction was printed in the 3/90 issue which has been incorporated into the directions below.)

by Noel (Mick) Spencer

This pattern is for one of at least three different multi-colored worn by Tom Baker (not including the final "burgundy scarf"). It is worn in Tom Baker's sixth through sixteenth stories ("Terror of the Zygons" through "The Robots of Death"). It is also worn in his eighteenth story "Horror of Fang Rock"), his nineteenth story ("The Invisible Enemy:), and his twenty first story ("The Sun Makers"). Though the same scarf appears in all these stories, it sometimes appears at first glance to be a little different, due to lighting, reversing the scarf, wearing a different portion looped around the neck, etc. Also in some stories, it is difficult to distinguish some colors due to the lighting, cinematography (and no doubt the NTSC transmission system). In some cases the "medium brown" looks like the "olive green", or the "purple" looks like the medium brouwn", etc. After reviewing MANY stories, I think the following pattern is accurate.

     GOLD (dirty yellow)
     RUST (almost brick red)
     BEIGE (creamish, this is the lightest color on the SCARF)
     GREY (medium charcoal)
     OLIVE GREEN (greyish)
     MEDIUM BROWN (sort of olive brown)


1"      Purple  
8"      Beige
2"      Medium Brown
1.5"    Gold
3.5"    Rust
1"      Purple
3.5"    Olive Green
1.5"    Gold
6"      Beige
3"      Rust
1.5"    Olive Green
3"      Purple
10"     Olive Green
2"      Gold
3.5"    Grey
2"      Rust
10"     Beige
1.5"    Purple
4"      Olive Green
2.5"    Grey
1.5"    Gold
4"      Rust
1.5"    Purple
5"      Medium Brown
2"      Beige
2.5"    Grey
8"      Rust
3"      Gold
4"      Olive Green
1.5"    Purple
9.5"    Beige
2.5"    Medium Brown
4.5"    Grey
1.5"    Rust
2.5"    Purple
1.5"    Beige
4"      Gold
10"     Olive Green
3"      Rust
2"      Grey
1.5"    Gold
4"      Medium Brown
1.5"    Purple
1.5"    Beige
6"      Grey
1"      Rust
1.5"    Gold