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AoE Cheats Codes

To use these cheats, while playing a game hit enter to bring up the chat box then type in the code and press enter again.

Pepperoni pizza - You get 1000 food.

Coinage - You get 1000 gold.

Woodstock - You get 1000 wood.

Quarry - You get 1000 stone.

Zeus - Makes Photon Men and Nuke Troopers invincible.

Upsidflintmobile - Makes your Chariot Archers lightning at everything..

Dark Rain - Makes Composite Bowmen look like trees when standing still.

Black Rider - Gives you a Cavalry unit with attack and armor ratings at 20 which becomes a catapult when killed.

Flying Dutchman - Makes Juggernauts able to move on land.

E=mc2 trooper - Gives you a Nuke man

Photon man - Gives you a Photon Man.

Bigdaddy - Gives you a car that shoots a missle.

Medusa - Makes villager turn in to Black Riders when killed.When the Black Rider is killed it then turns into a catapult.

Steroids - Build and repair almost instantly..

Big Bertha - Catapults have a wide damage range.

Icbm - All ballistias shoot almost to the other side of the map..

Hoyohoyo - Priests get 480 hit points and are very fast.

Jack be nimble - Catapults now shoot villagers and Cows instead of a cannon ball.

Home run - Win scenario immediately.

Diediedie - Every player except you dies.

Resign - You lose instantly.

Reveal map - Reveals the entire map, does not include where enemy units or buildings are located unless in sight range.

No fog - Turns off the fog of war that obscures vision during battle.

Hari Kari - Suicide

Killx - Removes player number " x " from the game.

Gaia - Gives you control over all the animals

AoE Demo Cheat Codes

Stone- Gives you 1000 stone

Wood - Gives you 1000 wood

Food - Gives you 1000 food

Gold - Gives you 1000 gold

CTRL Q  -  Speeds up construction.

CTRL T  -  New menu for resources.

CTRL P  -  Left click to place rock and block up the way with walls that can not be destroyed.

PLAYER[1-8] - Switch perspective to player #[1-8] Do not select a defeated player.

GIVEMEFISSIONMAN - You get the E=mc2 trooper with the gun

GIVEMEPHOTONMAN - Gives photon man, but with less powerful gun

RESIGN - You resign.

VICTORY - You win.

SUICIDE - You die.

KILL[1-8] - Destroys player #1-8 .

DIEDIEDIE - Kills all players except you.

Victory   -  Skips a level on campaigns.

AoE Expansion Cheats

All the cheats above work to for this game.

Convert This! - Gives a you a Priest that attacks with lightning bolts from the sky.

grantlinkspence - Makes animals alot stronger.

Pow! - Gives you a baby on a tricycle.

King Arthur - Converts all birds to dragons.

Stormbilly - Gives you a Mechwarrior.

Big Momma - Gives you another car that is white.

AoK Codes
Marco Clears all the blackness away but still leaves the "fog" on Makes all map visible.
Polo Clears all the blackness away but still leaves the "fog" on
Aegis Villiagers build nearly instantly.
Rock On 1000 Stone
Lumberjack 1000 Wood
Robin Hood 1000 Gold
Cheese Steak Jimmy's 1000 Food
Natural Wonders Gives you control of the animals.
Resign Your killed instantly
Wimpywimpywimpy Your killed instantly.
I Love The Monkey Head Gives you a VDML
How Do You Turn This On Gives you a "Cobra" car
Torpedox Kills opponent "x" (put oppenents player number as "x".
To Smithereens Gives you a Saboteur
Black Death Kills all the enemies.
I R Winner You win the current scenerio.