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tag. In this DHTML script, there are five links that constantly remain in the upper left hand corner. You can change these links to meet your own. The Style Sheet has been adjusted to "push" your webpage 120 pixels to the right so that the links do not touch any of your text/images. You can adjust this by changing the pixel amount in the BODY section of the below Style Sheet. -->

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March 7,1999-Age of Empires 2 Rise of Kings
March 7,1999-Age of Empires 2 Rise of Kings

Age Of Empires 2 is coming out if you didn't know.It will be awsome!It has way way better graphics than Age of Empires.But I thoughtAge of Empires had good graphics!Well you can decide when it hits the streets.

March 8,1999-Questions Or Comments
March 8,1999-Questions or Comments

Questions or Comments
If you have any suggestions about this page or questions then Email me .

March 9,Age Of Empires RoR-Survey
March 9,1999-Age Of Empires RoR-Survey

Age Of Empires RoR-Survey
Do YOU like Age of Empires Rise of Rome?Do YOU hate it?Well it hate RoR.I think it is such a crappy game.Its like cheating how you can make up to FIVE five one after another!!Well I am gonna take a survey on it.Also on what are the most favorite civilizations played.Click in the Age Of Empires Survey.

March 10,I'm leaving
March 10,1999-I'm leaving

I'm leaving
I made a c on my Report Card and my mom is taking the net off of me.I'll be back though

June 15,1999-I'm Back!
June 15,I'm Back!

I'm Back!
I just got my Report Card I brought my C up to an A!Anyway i'm back so I will start updating this page!

July 4,1999-Download Section
July 4,Download Section

Download Section
Over the next few days I will be doing major work on the Downloads Section.It should be done by the 11.Till then be patient.

July 6,1999-Download Section
July 6,Download Section

Download Section
So far I have put tons of Campaigns on to the Download Section.Some by me.I will be adding more Campaigns and some Scenario on it too.Also i will be putting up cheats!

July 7,1999-Animation Section
July 7,Animation Section

Animation Section
Today I have put 2 new rows of AoE and RoR Animations on the Animation Section check it out!

July 8,1999-Downlaods and Tribes Section
July 8,Downloads and Tribes Section

Downloads and Tribes Section
I have added 2 new Things to the Downlaods Section:A Single Player Scenario section and a Multi-Player Scenarios section.I have also added a new page!It is the Tribes page it has info on the tribes.Check it out.

July 10,1999-Broken Links
July 10,1999-Broken Links

Broken Links
Today I have made it so that there are no broken links in the Downloads Section.If you find that there is then Email me and tell me.

July 16,1999-Images for my page
July 16,1999-Images for my pages

Images for my pages
I have been working on an image for my main page for the past few days.I have finished it and put it up!Do you like it?Well i do i think it is soo coool and i now will be making images for all my pages. Email me me please and tell me if you like it.The others will be up in the next week or so.

August 4,1999-Sorry I Haven't Updated
August 4,1999-Sorry I Haven't Updated

Sorry I Haven't Updated
Sorry I haven't Updated this page in awhile i have been real busy.School is about to start again.But I am making this page a frames page right now so it will be ready in like 2 days.I don't know what it will look like but i'm willing to take a chance!

August 5,1999-Frames
August 5,1999-Frames

Frames For My Page
I've finished the Frames page and made buttons for the links!Do you like frames?If you don't then Email me and tell me why and if i get enough i will make a None Frame page.I will be taking the images down for my wepage and putting nicer ones up.The buttons will be staying though.The new images will be up sometimes this month.Its gonna take awhile since School is gonna be much hardier this year.Also i have to buy an image maker program.