




Personal Information

Hello! My name is Malia. This is my first web page and I'm very proud of it. I "discovered" the internet about 9 months ago and can hardly believe I've tripped, stumbled, and crawled this far!

You may think this is just another Wheel of Time (shrine) web page but, I actually have many other related things I intend to add to it. Hopefully, my HTML knowledge will eventually catch up to my imagination. I doubt it!

Okay...personal information. I am from San Diego, California. Not born, but definitely raised. I was born in Yokosuka, Japan. My Papa was in the Navy and Japan was his second station. He's retired from the service and now works for the Postal Service. My Mother has been an administrative assistant forever and I have one (big) little brother, Dave. He is in the Army and is an Air Medic.

I've always known that my strongest talents center around anything creative. I dabbled in art, music, theatre(drama) and dance all during my years of schooling. I liked it all for a while but as much as some of my instructors wished for me to be more serious and focused on making a future in one of these areas, I became easily bored and distracted. I was always looking for something new to do.

In my Junior Year of high school, and on sort of a fluke, I picked up a semester of sewing. OooOooOoOo, that did it for me!! The avenues were endless and I loved working with textiles. I am virtually self-taught in sewing and would consider myself a damn good seamstress.=)

I continued on and eventually obtained a degree in Fashion Design from the
Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM) in 1991.

I'm also a single mom with a gorgeous little boy named Kainoa (Ky-Noah). He's my pride and joy. He's five years old. ~sighs~ He's getting sooo big. ~sniff~ What am I kidding!!?? He's ALWAYS been big! LOL Pictures

You may be wondering where the names, "Malia" and "Kainoa" originate from. They are both Hawaiian names. My full first and middle are "Malia Kehaulani". It means "Mary Mist of the Heavens(or sky)". My Grandmother's name was Mary. I was named after her. My son's is "Kainoa Kaleokalani". It means "The Name of the Lion of the Heavens(or sky)". On a deeper level, "Kaleokalani" is my Papa's middle name. So, he is the "Name of my Father" or named in honor of my Papa. Kainoa is the first grandchild, the first son born in this generation, and my first child with my being the eldest child...Phew!! Did I explain that alright? The honor of naming him would almost be...disrespectful if not given to my father. I like Kainoa, it was a good choice. I call him Kai for short which means the "sea". Kai loves the ocean almost as much as me and Pop! My Papa is hoping to put him on a board(that's surfboard) this summer when the water warms up. ~looks anxious...sighs~ Oh well...boys will be boys...LOL!! I'm sure they will have the protection of Mano.

Now back to the Wheel of Time. A girlfriend of mine gave me the "Eye to the World" for my birthday last year. I had never read fantasy before and initially was not very interested in it. I have to admit, I left it unopened on a book shelf for a couple of months. My friend couldn't stop talking about it and kept bugging me to read. I started it partially from curiosity and the rest to get her to shut up about it!! =) As does everyone else who picks up an RJ novel....You get hooked!

I love the WOT series and I've found some really cool people to RP with here on the net.

I have developed an Atha'an Miere(Sea Folk-People of the Sea) character named Kehau. RJ writes this group of people as being very mysterious(vague) in his books. I'm having fun with it and have added to their culture with a splash of my own...and a lot of imagination.



"Straight On to You" by Heart