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TROOP 1035
2001 National Jamboree Web Site

July 18-July 23 Tour of Washington, DC
July 23-August 1 Jamboree @ Fort A.P. Hill, VA

Letter to Jamboree Scouts & Parents from HAC National Jamboree Committee

May, 2001 Letter From Hawkeye Area Council - Print this page

Dear Jamboree Scouts and Parents:

Recently the Hawkeye Area Council's (HAC) contingent leaders for the National Jamboree met to review the schedule for our two weeks in Washington, D.C. and Fort A.P. Hill (the site for the 2001 Boy Scout National Jamboree.) It's going to be a memorable and exciting two weeks. There's still much to do to get ready for the Jamboree and it's important that Scouts and their parents are fully informed of what will be happening in the weeks leading up to the Jamboree. We also want you to be fully informed about the itinerary, rules and procedures that will be followed while traveling to and at the Jamboree. We hope this document answers your questions and sets the foundation for a wonderful trip in July.

Pre Jamboree Training (PJT): Attendance at PJT is mandatory. We cannot emphasize enough the importance of your attendance at Pre Jamboree Training on May 11-13. These three days are a complete dry run of our camping process at Fort A.P. Hill. In addition PJT gives the Scouts an important time to get to know each other better and plan their activities at the Jamboree. Our equipment needs to be checked out, including the brand-new tents that will be slept in for the first time. And it's vitally important that the Scouts receive Youth Protection Training that is mandatory for Jamboree attendees and only offered at PJT. If not already assigned prior to training, tent mates and room mates will be assigned. Temporary absences from the PJT for conflicting and mandatory academic reasons will be considered on a case by case basis. Such absences must be discussed with the Scoutmaster of your Jamboree troop immediately.

PJT begins Friday at 6:00 P.M. at Camp Waubeek (old camp). Late arrivals should announce this to their Scoutmaster well in advance of PJT. No meal will be provided on Friday night so Scouts should eat before they arrive. A Trading Post of Jamboree patches and pins will be staffed at registration and at departure on Sunday. Training ends Sunday and parents may pick up Scouts at 9:00 A.M. Sunday morning.

We hope to distribute at training all other uniform patches that have not previously been handed out. Uniform at PJT is Class A shirts (home Troop Class A) and Class B for part of the day. No civilian shirts are allowed and Scout shorts, socks, belt and cap are encouraged but not required. Neckerchiefs are not required.

Utensil Kit: At PJT and at Jamboree each Scout will provide his own utensil kit for meals (knife, fork, spoon). These can be of any configuration you choose. Again, be sure to bring the kit to PJT.

Uniforms at Jamboree: From the moment you arrive at the airport on departure day you will be subject to the following uniform requirements. Common uniform requirements promote unit pride and comradery at the Jamboree and help us identify our Scouts among crowds at airports and public planes. Because of the unprecedented amount of variation in the Jamboree catalog, we have set down the following guidelines.

General: No civilian outerwear is allowed. Boy Scout uniform guidelines apply during the entire Jamboree trip. Class A uniforms are worn at all times when traveling or touring Washington, D.C. At Jamboree, Class A is worn when designated. Class B is appropriate in the hotel in Washington and while in the campsite at Fort A.P. Hill. The Class A uniform is cap, neckerchief, slide, Class A shirt, scout shorts, scout belt, red topped scout socks and shoes appropriate for extended walking. Class B is identical to Class A except a Scout T-shirt may be worn.

Caps: A baseball style cap is required. It must be either the standard green and red Boy Scout cap or the official Jamboree cap. When wearing Class B uniforms you may, at your option, wear the Jamboree Bucket Hat. You still must have one of the official caps to wear with the Class A uniform.

Neckerchiefs and Slides: A HAC Jamboree neckerchief will be given to you. It is part of your Class A uniform unless otherwise stated. No other neckerchief is worn including the official Jamboree neckerchief. The standard BSA slide, or the gold metal or leather Jamboree slide is required. No other slides are allowed.

Class A Shirt: Standard BSA khaki uniform shirts only. Have at least two shirts and a third is optional. All badges worn must be proper for Jamboree contingent. This includes the 2001 Jamboree Shoulder patch (either the blue-bordered version or the special silver-patch, your Jamboree position patch (SPL, ASPL, Scribe, QM, PL, APL, Historian, Bugler, OA Representative, Librarian, Chaplain Aide), your Jamboree patrol patch, purple Scouting Brotherhood patch, and your badge of rank. The pocket round is optional but if you wear one it must be either your HAC yellow pocket patch or the Captain Crunch version. Do not wear any segments around the HAC patch. You may wear any proper knots above your pocket. Do not duplicate your Eagle badge with a knot. Do not wear Quality Unit emblems, service stars, or other patches or awards. You will be required to wear your plastic Jamboree name tag that will be provided to you. OA members may wear the standard OA Lodge flap or the Crunch version. If you have questions about uniforms, ask your Scoutmaster.

Class B Shirt: A proper Class B shirt is any official Boy Scout T-shirt, Jamboree T-shirt, HAC Jamboree T-shirt or other HAC T-shirt such as summer camp T-shirts. No troop T-shirts or Cub T-shirts are allowed. Shirts should be in good condition (no stains, fading, tears, etc.).

Scout Shorts: You may wear the standard green Boy Scout shorts (either with or without cargo pockets) or the Jamboree green short with the Jamboree emblem on the leg.

Belt: You may wear either the standard BSA web belt and brass buckle or you can wear any of the BSA leather belts. If you waer a BSA leather belt, you must wear the standard BSA leather belt buckle or the 2001 Jamboree belt buckle.

Socks: You can waer any red-topped BSA sock.

Shoes: Any comfortable walking shoe is allowed including tennis shoes, hiking shoes or hiking boots. We suggest you have a comfortable second pair to slip on in the hotel or in the campsite. Sandals are not allowed.

Red Jacket: You are required to have a RED nylon windbreaker type jacket. The BSA emblem may optionally be sewn on the front. You may use the red nylon lined BSA jacket in the catalog. If you use a non-BSA jacket it must not have any commercial advertising or school or team names on the jacket. It should be plain red. If you wish your red jacket may have the official BSA or the 2001 National Jamboree jacket patch on the back.

Rain Gear: You may bring any rain gear of your choice. This includes a poncho, rain suit or jacket. Please do not have any comercial or team information on the rain gear-keep it plain.

Sash: We advise you to leave your merit badge sash at home. OA members should bring their OA sash.

Room/Tent Mates: Four Scouts share a room in Washington, D.C. and two Scouts share a tent at Fort A.P. Hill. These Scouts will be from your own patrol.

Electronics: With limited exception we do not allow electronics on the Jamboree trip. Electronics can be expensive to lose and distract from the many unique opportunities the Scout has to see and experience of the attractions of Washington, D.C. and the Jamboree. There is however a Jamboree radio station that features Scout interviews, weather notices, schedule changes and other information. If a Scout wants to bring along a small radio to listen to the Jamboree station while at Fort A.P. Hill that is permissible.

Flashlight: Bring a basic flashlight and extra batteries. Laser light pens or pointers serve no value and are not allowed.

Watch: A wrist watch or pocket watch is a very valuable item for each Scout to have in order to keep on schedule and arrange meeting times.

Money: Parents are encouraged to put money in the "troop bank" for their Scouts. Each day money will be released according to the parents' prearranged schedule. We also ask that a $10 bill be separately provided that we will seal in an envelope and only release to the Scout on the way to the airport when they leave Washington to come home. This way each Scout is assured of having a little spending money for the trip home. All types of credit cards may also be used at the Jamboree as well as nationally recognized Travelers Checks. In order to minimize the amount of money the Scout carries with him, we encourage you to purchase patches for trading in advance.

Cots: The four Troop Junior Leaders and Adult Leaders will be allowed to bring pre-approved cots. Because of the bulk, variety and possible damage to tent floors, no other Scouts will be allowed to bring cots. We suggest a comfortable and compact sleeping pad. This pad will have to fit inside your Jamboree duffle bag.

Buddy System: The buddy system is in effect at all times except (1) inside the hotel and (2) medical and hygiene areas at the Jamboree.

Touring: When touring in Washington, D.C., at least one Adult Leader and one Junior Leader must be in attendance with the group at all times. No group may form up for touring without this leadership present at all times. While inside a contained facility such as a museum the leaders do not have to be with every sub group BUT the buddy system must remain in place and specific regrouping times will be set and must be adhered to by the Scouts. Scouts who violate the buddy system or ignore set meeting times will necessarily be subject to significantly curtailed privileges.

Phones: No youth will bring a cell phone along on the trip. A phone card, calling card or 800 number would be a good idea. Pay phones are available at the Hotel and at the Jamboree.

Prohibited Items: The following items may not be in the possession of any Scout: Alcohol, any tobacco product, cigarette lighters or matches, firearms, marijuana or other controlled substance, squirt guns or toy look alike guns, or any other item as established by the contingent leaders.

Patch Trading: Patches may be traded at the Jamboree site only-there is NO patch trading in Washington, D.C. Boy Scout policy prohibits adults and youths trading patches with each other. Scouts may only trade Scout to Scout. Fair trading is encouraged.

Knives: Basic pocket knives allowed by BSA policy are allowed. We suggest avoiding complex knives or expensive knives. A knife will have no use until Fort A.P. Hill. It must stay in your duffle bag while traveling and while in DC. A knife MUST NOT BE CARRIED ON YOUR PERSON ON AN AIRPLANE OR IN ANY CARRY ON BAG.

Duffel Bag and Carry On Bags: The Council will provide each scout with an Army National Guard duffel bag for your sleeping bag, pad and all other belongings. You may bring one back pack or fanny pack for carry on items such as cameras and other personal items. A small back pack or fanny pack is very helpful both in Washington and at A.P. Hill. Get a padlock for your duffel bag.

Identification: Please have a picture ID readily available on your person. We STRONGLY suggest getting an official Iowa ID from the drivers license bureau. Tag or label all of your possessions including ALL items of clothing. We may end up doing common laundry in DC and uniform parts and other clothing will look identical.

Street Vendors: It's common in Washington, D.C. to see street vendors selling items such as sunglasses, watches, etc. We strongly urge you to ignore these people and purchase items from established vendors in the museums and hotel. It's not fair to hold up the group so you can buy from a street vendor and we want to keep all Scouts inside buildings except with the entire tour group.

Medications: All medications will be checked in with contingent leaders who will control dispensing the medications. Inhalers and/or allergy devices should be retained in your possession. Over the counter medications that are regularly taken must also be checked in with leaders. All medications must be in original containers.

Special Events: At this time the following special events are planned in Washington, D.C.

Thursday     Contingent photo in front of Capitol building. The photos are large high quality photos that are sold for $11.00. It is possible depending upon final budget issues that these will be provided to the Contingent members at no charge.

Thursday     Wreath laying at Arlington National Cemetery. Each Troop will be asked to select one Scout to assist in the ceremony. One consideration in selection will be Scouts who have lost family members in the line of duty.

Friday     White House tours

Saturday     Evening pizza/birthday party and chapel service.

Sunday     Gettysburg tour

Visitors: Parents and guests may visit the Jamboree. They may not participate in Jamboree events reserved for Scouts or sit with the Scouts during stage shows. In general, they are welcome visitors but may not alter the Jamboree experience for the Scouts.

Emergency Numbers: In case of an emergency that requires you to reach a Scout the following numbers should be used:

In Washington:

Crowne Plaza Washington National Airport
1489 Jefferson David Highway
Arlington VA 22202

Mail Service: Mail sent to Jamboree (not DC hotel):

Participant Name
Troop [1033, 1034, 1035]
Subcamp #10
2001 National Scout Jamboree
Bowling Green VA 22428-[Troop Number for last four digets-1033, 1034 or 1035]


Terry Wightman
Troop 1034
Subcamp 10
2001 National Scout Jamboree
Bowling Green VA 22428-1034

Flight Plans: We are reconfirming all flight times in light of the TWA/American merger and the itinerary will be released at PJT. Each Troop will fly on a separate flight. Flights out will be on July 18 and return flights on August 1.

Scouts must be at the airport one hour before departure. On arriving back in Cedar Rapids, parents are asked to bring a large plastic bag so all gear from the National Guard duffel can be emptied into the bag and the deffel returned while at the airport.

No one is allowed to vary these travel plans on the way to Washington. Return travel arrangements can be changed with proper permission which includes a properly filled out request form. The HAC does not return any fees for airline tickets unused.




A Final Word

The National Jamboree is truly a memorable event. Our rules are not designed to curtail the enjoyment of the experience but to maximize it - and to insure the safety of all Scouts and to provide comfort to parents. Scouts not only operate effectively within these rules, but they set an example that parents and our Council can be proud of in every sense of the word. We're less than 90 days away from a great scouting adventure - the 2001 Boy Scout National Jamboree - "Strong Values - Strong Leaders - Character Counts!"

See you at the "Hill"!

In Scouting and on Behalf of the National Jamboree Committee,

Terry Wightman
HAC National Jamboree Committee Chairman


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