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Welcome to the 2001 National Scout Jamboree Site of T1035

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TROOP 1035
2001 National Jamboree Web Site

July 18-July 23 Tour of Washington, DC
July 23-August 1 Jamboree @ Fort A.P. Hill, VA

Updated news as of June 25, 2001
Contingent Travel Plans/Itinerary
Contingent Troop # Date Departure Time Connects Departs Arrival Time
T1033 18 Jul 5:45 AM-CID 6:41 AM-STL 7:50 AM-STL 10:49 AM-DCA
  1 Aug 2:55 PM-DCA 4:09 PM-STL 6:27 PM-STL 7:28 PM-CID
T1034 18 Jul 8:25 AM-CID 9:23 AM-STL 10:17 AM-STL 1:20 PM-DCA
  1 Aug 11:50 AM-DCA 12:59 PM-STL 2:20 PM-STL 3:22 PM-CID
T1035 18 Jul TWA #562 11:20 AM-CID 12:17 PM-STL TWA #440 2:10 PM-STL5:13 PM-DCA
  1 Aug TWA #325 4:45 PM-DCA 6:06 PM-STL TWA #486 8:15 PM-STL 9:19 PM-CID

Troop 1035 scouts need to arrive at the airport by 9:30 AM on July 18 so that we have time to get everyone checked in. A snack (cold sandwich, no chips) from DCA to STL will be served on the airline.


Wednesday, July 18,
Flight times above. Boy Scouts will transfer to hotel via the metro system. Late afternoon - Check into Crowne Plaza hotel.

Thursday, July 19 to Monday, July 23
7:30-8:00 AM - Complimentary meeting space for morning Pow Wow. Room - Alexandria Conference Room.

Sunday, July 22
8:00 AM - Transfer Boy Scouts from hotel to Gettsburg
10:00 AM - Arrive Gettysburg
4:00 PM - Depart Gettysburg
6:00 PM - Arrive at hotel

Monday, July 23
TBD - Transfer Boy Scouts to Fort A.P. Hill

Tuesday, August 1
TBD - Transfer Boy Scouts to National Airport

Troop 1035 Travel Plans

The Hawkeye Area Council contingent will leave Cedar Rapids, on July 18 and fly to Washington DC. We will stay in a hotel in the Washington DC area for 5 nights. Ample time will be allowed to tour the Smithsonian Institution, Capitol Building, Washington Monument, plus other attractions such as the FBI and the Holocaust Museum. We will make the 60-mile trip to the Jamboree site at Fort A.P. Hill by motor coach on July 23 and will camp there until August 1. On August 1, we will return to Washington DC for the return flight to Cedar Rapids.

Information below was taken from the May, 2001 HAC Letter to Jamboree Scouts and Parents.

Flight Plans: We are reconfirming all flight times in light of the TWA/American merger and the itinerary will be released at PJT. Each Troop will fly on a separate flight. Flights out will be on July 18 and return flights on August 1.

Scouts must be at the airport one hour before departure. On arriving back in Cedar Rapids, parents are asked to bring a large plastic bag so all gear from the National Guard duffel can be emptied into the bag and the deffel returned while at the airport.

No one is allowed to vary these travel plans on the way to Washington. Return travel arrangements can be changed with proper permission which includes a properly filled out request form. The HAC does not return any fees for airline tickets unused.

Travel To Fort A.P. Hill


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