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TROOP 1035
2001 National Jamboree Web Site

July 18-July 23 Tour of Washington, DC
July 23-August 1 Jamboree @ Fort A.P. Hill, VA

July 26 Update - 8:30 AM Central Time

Gene called early this morning with great reviews of the Opening Show. The troop marched down to the show all together. He said it was an "experience" for everyone to try to get that many Scouts/Leaders (~40,000) into the same area. They were seated way in the back where the people on stage looked about 1" tall, however, they had huge projected tv screens, so everyone was able to see the show well. Some of the favorite parts of the show, as he heard from our Scouts, were the opening Hot Air Balloon, the U.S. Army Golden Knights, the Airborne Band, the Three of Hearts band (which consisted of three girls right out of high school), the Tropic Zone and the Closing Show, which consisted of a Lazer show with a band. Leaving the Opening Show, they marched back to the campsite in Patrols, attended by two leaders each.

Yesterday he said that a lot of the Scouts did scuba diving again (Note from Webmaster: I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the really hot weather - grin) and traded patches. It was also "laundry day" so most everyone spent some time back at camp doing their laundry. In the evening, the troop sang Happy Birthday (camp style) to Cody S. and enjoyed a cake that was pre-ordered for the occasion. (HAPPY BIRTHDAY CODY!)

It has been sprinkling on and off, but started raining pretty good while we were talking. He said it looked like they would have showers on and off at least for the morning.

They had 15 tickets for Scouts in the troop to participate at the flight simulator today and so they held a drawing this morning. Those boys chosen will be going today either at 10 AM or 2 PM to do this. All Scouts are able to do this, however, anyone not selected in the drawing will need to stand in line before getting in.

He said it sounded like most of the Scouts were going to Merit Badge Midway today to see what merit badges were offered.

Just as a sidenote, Gene kind of laughed as he mentioned that there was a woman walking by on the road with a donkey.

He wanted to share that T1035 was getting very high appraisal from their Scoutmaster (himself) and from other people all around. They have been picking up trash without being asked to and are just all around being great Scouts!

I asked Gene for a few quotes from some of our boys and here's what they had to say:

Adam G - Three of Hearts are hot!" (This statement was followed up with yes's by everyone who was standing there. Remember the band mentioned above that featured three girls right out of high school?)

Brian F. - "Golden Knights are awesome!"

James H. - "Jambo is as good this time as last, if not better."

Tony C. (SPL) - "Each and every day the troop gets stronger as the Jamboree gets better!"

Gene G. (SM) - "When the Scoutmaster says you need to go to the bathroom before you leave, he means it." (Don't ask - grin!)

Gene will try calling again tomorrow.


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