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Welcome to the 2001 National Scout Jamboree Site of T1035

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TROOP 1035
2001 National Jamboree Web Site

July 18-July 23 Tour of Washington, DC
July 23-August 1 Jamboree @ Fort A.P. Hill, VA

July 30 Update - 1:50 PM Central Time

Gene called saying they ended up with 28 hours of straight rain, but that it finally stopped at approximately 4:00 AM this morning. At the time of his call, the sky was overcast. He said it seemed like it could rain but it wasn't expected to.

Most of the Scouts went down to Merit Badge Midway or to other places this morning trying to see all they could, or get merit badges earned. Right at the time of his call, they were in the campsite cleaning up their tents and their campsites. They will load the truck tomorrow night with their tents, the gateway, duffle bags, etc, in preparation for leaving Wednesday morning. They will sleep under the dining fly tomorrow night. Tomorrow they will have until 1:30 PM to finish up anything they want to at the jamboree and after that time, they will be in the campsite preparing to have everything ready to go.

The Closing Show was rescheduled from last night to tonight, however, all the big names have had to cancel, including the President. There will be a parade of flags at the show, along with a Scout choir of over 1000 participants. Great fireworks are also expected and the Scouts are looking forward to the show.

Gene did give a few more quotes from the boys today.

AJ S. - "Yes it does rain at Jambo!"

James H. - "Who says you can't postpone (cancel) the President."

Adam J. - "The rain is gone!"

Britt S. - "I see the sun!"

Dana S. - "I'm gone fishing."

Will B. - "Has gone country."

Scoutmaster - "Gone crazy." (with a grin!)

Gene will try to give another call tomorrow after lunch sometime.


Be sure to check the Scoutmaster News for other information.


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