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BSA Troop 242, Washington Iowa

Site Map
About Us
Troop Photos
Troop Handbook
Troop Leadership
Merit Badge Help
Fundraisers Orientation
Court of Honor
Scouting Forms
Scouting Links
Washington IA Links
Email T242

Overview of Troop Committee

    What does the troop committee do?

  • Ensures quality leadership is recruited and trained, including Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters.
  • Assigns qualified Assistant Scoutmasters to continue the program if the Scoutmaster slot is vacated.
  • Supports leaders in carrying the program.
  • Responsible for finances, adequate funds, and disbursements based on the annual budget developed by the committee.
  • Serves on boards of review and courts of honor.

  • Our troop committee meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the United Methodist Church, Wesley Center at 7:00 PM. The committee is made up of trained leaders, as well as parents of Scouts in the troop.


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