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[Car Games for Kids]
Are We There Yet?      A to Z     Bingo     Counting Cows       Guess the number 
I Spy     Lines and Dots     Odd or Even
Perdinkle or  Pudiddle     Quiet As A Mouse      Rock-Paper-Scissors
 Slug Bug      Travel Scavenger Hunt      Twenty Questions     Woody 

  [Camping Themes for Kids 6 - 8 years old

   [At The Campsite
Nature Scavenger Hunt     Scavenger Hunt     Flashlight Walks     Water balloon fights
Old Maid     War     Go Fish

  [Campfire Games]
Never Ending Story     Charades     I'm Going on a Hike     Famous Names     One Up One Down
 The Telephone Game


Car Games for Kids 

Car trips with kids can be challenging at times;
but with a little preparation,
they can be a lot of fun and educational just as well.


Gameboy ! 

This is an amazing toy that is perfect for road trips. In moderation theses little video games can be great motivators and teach kids a few things too.

Odd or Even
What are the chances?

Game for two players -
Have each child guess if there are more license plates that end in an odd or even number.
(plates that end in a letter do not count)

1. Give each child a blank sheet of paper and a pencil
 or something to mark with.

2. Set a time limit,
usually 10-15 minutes.

3. Have one child look for plates that end in an odd number,
and the other look for an even number.

4. A tick mark or dash should be marked for each car they find.

5. At the end of the time limit, have the children add up their marks. 

I Spy

Pick out an object that everyone can see. 
Then give them a clue by saying, "I spy something . . ." (Say its shape, color or size) The other players ask questions about what you see and you only answer with "yes" or "no".

The first player who guesses right becomes the new spy.

A to Z

Watch road signs, Billboards, Vehichles, Buildings, etc. for words that have the letter "A." in it. After "A", go to "B", and so on.
First one to "Z" wins!

(For younger players you may want to skip letters that seldom show up on signs such as "Q"," "X", and" Z")


Rock, Paper, Scissors is a game for two players typically played using the players' hands. The two players each make a fist with one hand and hold the other open, palm upward. Together, they tap their fists in their open palms once, twice, and on the third time form one of three items:
a rock (by keeping the hand in a fist),
a sheet of paper (by holding the hand flat, palm down),
a pair of scissors (by extending the first two fingers and holding them apart).

The winner of that round depends on the items formed. If the same item is formed, it's a tie. If a rock and scissors are formed, the rock wins, because a rock can smash scissors. If scissors and paper are formed, the scissors win, because scissors can cut paper. If paper and a rock are formed, the paper wins, because a sheet of paper can cover a rock. After one round is completed, another is begun. Play continues until one player reaches a predetermined score, or whenever the players' boredom is alleviated.
Often this game is played to pass the time while waiting in line for something, or while on a long road trip [as long as the driver isn't one of the players].

My kids also use this technique to find out who will go 1st at something, etc.

Counting Cows 

Count the cows you see on your side of the car. If you pass a field full of lots of cows, you'd better count fast!  If you pass a cemetery on your side of the car, you lose all your cows, but only if the opposing team calls "your cows are buried!".  This game gets interesting when distraction tactics are used to either cause your opponent to miss cows on their side of the road or to miss a cemetery on your side of the road. A white horse can count as a bonus. The team with the most cows wins.

Twenty Questions

Think of an object, it can be anything as long as it is general. The first question the players will ask is: "Is it classified as Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral", or you can do "Person, Place or Thing". The players can then ask anything they want about the object as long as you are able to answer "yes" or "no" to their question. They try to ask questions that will help them narrow down their ideas until they are able to guess the object.  If they can do it in less than 20 questions, they win!

Guess the number

Your child thinks of a number within a stated range and you try to guess the number by asking questions. For example: Your child says, I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100. You ask: Is it more than 50? Your child: No. You: Is it an even number? Child: No. You: Can you divide this number into three equal parts? And so forth. After you have guessed the number, let your child guess a number that you are thinking of by asking similar questions.

By asking questions about numbers, your child develops an understanding of some concepts, characteristics and meanings of numbers.
For example, this might be an opportunity to explain the difference between odd and even numbers.

Lines and Dots 

This is that game you used to play in junior high. You make a grid of dots on a sheet of paper. Each player takes turns drawing a line between two dots. The lines are horizontal or vertical (not diagonal) and must be next to each other. If a player makes a complete square, they get to mark the square with their initials in the center of it, and they get another turn. The player with the most squares when all the dots are connected wins!

Travel Scavenger Hunt 

Give each child a list of items to watch for while driving. The list can be made up ahead of time and adjusted for the scenery. For a younger child who can't read, you might draw a little picture of each item next to the word so they will know what to look for.

Here are a few examples of items to hunt for:  


flashing red light  
signs in foreign languages  
food store  
railroad tracks  
billboard with a child on it  
license plate that starts with "Q" 
person talking on a cell phone 


flashing traffic light  
food store  
someone on a bike  
flower garden or snowman (depends on the weather)  
pickup truck  
dog in a car 


railroad tracks  
post office  
pond or lake  
dirt road  
gas station  
oil pump 

Are We There Yet?

Try grappling with the Are we there yet? 

questions with a little diversionary questioning of your own. 

Ask your child questions about how far you're traveling. Yards? Miles? Kilometers? How fast are we going? If it's 3:15 now, and it takes us two hours to get there, what time will we arrive?
How far have we gone? 

Some other activities you might try while in transit are to have the kids watch for numbers on streets and buildings, phone numbers on the sides of trucks and other vehicles, dates on buildings, or business signs with numbers in them.

A Great Way To avoid the frequent question of "How much longer till we get there?", you may want to give your older children a pocket atlas and highlighter so they can map out the route as you travel. They can use the highlighter to plot out the route, circling different points of interest or particular milestones. When you pass those points, or a few minutes before you approach them, talk about them. Not only will this teach them good geography skills but it will give your children a sense of accomplishing the miles and cause them to take a more active interest in the landmarks of the trip. A compass will aide them in these endeavors.


A "woody" is a car, van or other vehicle that has the wood panel sides. When you see one, yell "WOODY" and you get a point. Before you start, decide how many points the game is going to go before you declare the winner. The first one to 5 is a pretty good one, since there aren't nearly as many of them now as there were in the past.

Quiet As A Mouse 

This is usually mom and dad's FAVORITE game of all. The trick to this game is to see who can be the quietest for the longest period of time. If you laugh, giggle or do anything that makes noise, you are out. The trick is NOT to see what you can do make the other person make noise, it's to see how long the entire car can be quiet.

Traveling Bingo

Try printable travel bingo cards to make road trips more enjoyable. 

Here are several different traveling bingo games to choose from.
Each grouping has 4 different cards with the same images, yet they are in different orders.

Simply print them out on your printer 
(enough for each person to have one - up to 4 players).

Play the game by marking the item with a pencil or crayon (crayons would be safer)
when you see it as you travel.

Print multiple Bingo Cards for each trip to check off items with a pencil or crayon.
First one to get a straight row going up, down, across, or diagonally wins!
You can also play until you find every item on the board. 

You may wish to laminate the bingo cards after you print them so that they last for many games.

 You can then use place markers such as real Bingo Markers or perhaps pennies, etc

Choose Car Bingo game 1, game 2 or game 3

1. Each player must have a copy of the same group.
2. The first player to call out an item he sees on the sheet gets to cross it off.
3. The winner is the first player to cross off a row of items (horizontal, vertical, diagonal).


Slug Bug

Every time a VW Bug comes into view, 
the first one to see it shouts "Slug Bug!" 
and slugs the person sitting next to you
 (Not too hard though!).  

The person who slugs the most people wins.

And that is about all there is to it. 
It's a silly game but fun, I promise. Give it a try. 

Remember, it's just for fun, 
don't go beating each other to death or anything.

Variations of Rules


The person shouts "Slug Bug!" along with the color of the VW bug.
This will help when perhaps 2 VW Bugs are in view, you call the color of the one you slug for. Eliminates arguments of "which one?" or "I got that one!"

No returns!!"

No returns means they can not hit you back or the penalty is another hit by you for breaking the "no returns" rule.

Looking Away

Looking away from the beetle and looking back does not give you the chance to slug again. But walking away from one in a parking lot and seeing the same one again when you leave is eligable for slugging again.

Two hits for a convertible
Self explanitory


You decide if they count or not!

Since the PT Cruiser made the scene,
 I have been introduced to this one . . .


Same rules as SLUG BUG except everytime you see a PT Cruiser and you shout "Cruiser Bruiser".

Perdinkle or  Pudiddle

When you saw a one eye car (that means a headlight would have to be out) you slugged the person next to you and said "Perdinkle"
[or "Pudiddle" in later years]. 
Then you would have to show them the car your were calling on. 

If the car was in fact a motorcycle instead, the person you hit gets to hit you back 10 times.

Is anyone hungry yet?

Avoid restaurants and have a rest stop picnic.

Keep a small cooler in your trunk with sandwich fixings for roadside picnics.  No need to assemble the sandwiches ahead of time.  Your children will be much happier having the freedom to run around in the fresh air rather then being stuck in a restaurant. A relaxed picnic in a park can become a fond family memory!

Camping Themes for Kids six through eight 

Pick a theme for the trips. It helps to organize activities around a central concept.
Much easier! 

"Western Theme" 
including a chuckwagon meal, corn bread muffins and tea. You can try to  come up with 20 ways to use a bandana around camp and practice tying knots with 1 foot sections of rope. Sing old western cowboy songs, try Cowboy poetry and learn a little about the stars.

"The Survivor Theme"
 focusing on back-to-the-basic camping essentials.
Children this age can grate cheese, stir a cooking pot, fetch water, hand wash and hang laundry, clean up around camp and even pitch the tents with a little help. Take a hike (1 to 2 miles) with frequent breaks. Be sure to take along a trail mix snack the kids can make themselves. Make it a bit of a competition. Racing through mundane chores easily.

"Explorers Theme" 
themes like Lewis and Clark are great for this age group, too. They naturally love to explore. Take along a magnifying glass, containers, nets and plastic cups to catch and examine insects. Set a firm, no touching policy for reptiles, insects and plants until they've been identified-
this saves a lot of worry. 
Use handbooks to make identification. 

At The Campsite

Nature Scavenger Hunt

Make a list of things that can be found around a campsite or on a hiking trail, and see who can find the items fastest.

If you're in an area where nature shouldn't be disturbed, kids can identify things by sight. 

While you're searching for these items, keep in mind that you should NEVER move anything from where it lays, if nature put it there.
There are many animals that make their homes in areas that you wouldn't think of, and just imagine how you would feel if you were laying in your bed, and someone bigger and louder came along and starting moving things.
Hmm . . .
gives you a whole new perspective on it, doesn't it?
Also, while we're on the subject, no matter how cute those little bugs, salamanders, etc. are, they don't naturally live in a box or glass jar, and to put them in there, is traumatic for them. Please look, take pictures, and admire,
but please, 
don't pick them up or try to take them home  . . .
they're already home!

Scavenger Hunt

This scavenger hunt is a great one. The purpose of it, is to find as much "garbage" in the woods as you can, to pick it up, dispose of it properly, and to get points at the same time. We recommend that you use gloves for this one. If you don't have gloves, you might try using two sandwich bags, one for each hand. If you don't have either of these things, we recommend that perhaps you wait until you do.


Go find an adult and show them where you found it, and let them dispose of it properly!

If you find anything else that you're not sure of, be sure to get an adult. 
This game is for fun and for being environmentally kind, but nobody wants to get hurt by doing something nice.

Be sure to take a garbage bag along with you on your trek, and remember, you get the points for EVERY piece of garbage that you pick up, not just the first one that you find!

The animals and other critters in the woods thank you very much for your interest and for cleaning up after those that wouldn't do it for themselves! . . .

You are indeed a "GOOD CAMPER"

Flashlight Walks

Taking a walk in the dark is a bit daring, even eerie, and full of unusual sights and sounds. While it's still daylight, have one parent scout out a short, safe trail near your site. Then, after dark, give each child a flashlight, and slowly walk along the trail. Focus on such details as a pair of glowing eyes staring back from a tree branch, or a glistening spiderweb. Ask your kids to describe what they see. When you've covered a few dozen yards, turn off the flashlights, have everyone be quiet, and listen to the provocative sounds of night. If a child gets scared, quickly turn the flashlights back on.

Water balloon fights
 are great fun. 
Please pick up all the left over balloon pieces so the wild animals don't eat them and die.


Need the rules to just about any card game?
Click Here!


Take three queens out of a regular deck of playing cards and set them aside.
The one remaining queen will be the Old Maid. 

The game is played with 3 to 5 people and all of the cards are dealt to the players (it doesn't matter if someone has more cards than someone else).

To play, after the cards are dealt, each player looks at their hand and if they have any pairs (2 cards with the same number) they place them face up in front of them. If you have three of the same card, you have to wait to see if you get the 4th one.

The person to the left of the dealer starts the game. The player to his left draws one card out of that persons hand and if the card makes a pair, it gets laid down. This continues with each player getting a turn at drawing a card from the other person's hand.

The game is over when the only card left is the Old Maid. The person holding the Old Maid at the end of the game loses.


This game requires two players and a complete deck of regular playing cards.

The dealer deals all the cards into two piles, face down. 

The person who did not deal lays a card, face up, on the table. 
(You do NOT look at your cards; just pull them off the top of the stack that the dealer dealt you.)
The other person does the same thing. 
The person with the highest card (aces are high, twos are low), win and takes the two cards and places them in another pile next to the pile he's already using. If you run out of cards from the one stack, you start using the other, still face down, still without looking at them.
 DO NOT shuffle them!

If each of you turn over a card with the same value on it, that's WAR! Each player places two cards, face down, and each of you turn over a third card.
Whoever has the highest card, wins ALL of the cards. 

Uh-oh, you did it again!
 You each turned over the same card again? 
That's okay; 
you just lay two more cards down, face down, and turn over a third card. The winner is the person with the highest card.

The winner is the one that ends up with all of the cards at the end of the game
 if in a WAR situation, doesn't have enough cards to settle it. 


This game is played by two to five people, and requires one regular deck of playing cards.

The dealer deals all of the cards to the players, plus one additional, this is the "fishing pool".

If any player has all four of any one value (for example, 4 - 4's) then they lay them down. When all of the players have laid down all of the sets that they have, the game starts.

The person to the left of the dealer starts. That person turns to the person on their left and asks them if they have a card (i.e., a 2), in order to ask for a card, you must be holding one of that same value. If the person has the card that you asked for, you get to ask again.
If the person doesn't have the card that you asked for, then you are told to Go Fish!.
To do that, you must draw a card from the Fishing Pool. 
If it is the card that you were asking for, you can continue your turn. 
If it isn't, then it is the next persons turn. 

The game continues until one player has no cards left in their hand


Choose games that are suitable for all ages of those at your campfire. 


Never Ending Story
 It starts Once upon a time . . .
 then the next camper adds a line, and then the story is passed around and around and around.


Players act out the syllables of a word or phrase while the others try to guess what it is. Divide the den into two teams. Write a word or phrase and give it to one team. Ask them to leave the room to plan how they will dramatize the charade. After a quick rehearsal, the team returns and presents its act. Give each member of the other team a chance to guess what is being dramatized. Suggest that the teams start with simple charades, such as "air gun," "cat tail," "football," and "fire eater." When they have had some practice, try more complex charades such as TV show titles, book titles, and particular places.

I'm Going on a Hike Game

You start by saying "I'm going on a hike and I'm taking bread. You say something that starts with your first initial. Make sure only one or two know this is how you play. If the person takes the correct thing you say "oh, you can go." If they say something starting with the wrong letter, "Oh, you can't go." It's fun to see how long it takes everyone to figure out the secret.

Famous Names

You have to think of a famous person (or someone everyone has heard of), both first and last name and the next person has to think of a famous person with the first name beginning with the last letter of the last name of the person mentioned before. EX. Bill Clinton, Charles Manson, Melanie Griffith etc. The idea is to get the next person stumped. You can't repeat the same name, and if someone gets a double letter name (ex. Marilyn Monroe) it switches directions -
lots of fun. 

One Up One Down

 The object of the game is to figure it out. Everyone sits around the fire and has a choice of three things to say; they can say "One up one down," "two up", or "two down." The way you know what to say is based on your hand/arm position. You say "one up one down" if one arm is up and the other is down, "two up" if both are above the waist, and "two down" if both are below the waist. It will take both younger campers and older campers a little while to figure out the "pattern." This game works best if only a few people know how it works. When no one gets the pattern, you can make your arm motions a little more obvious. Everyone will have a good time trying to figure out how the game works.

The Telephone Game

One person thinks of a short sentence, phrase, short rhyme, etc. That person whispers it to the person on their right. That person then whispers what they heard to the next person on the right as this continues to the last person. The last person announces out loud what it was that was whispered to them.

You will be amazed how often it will not be what started off in the beginning.

Beware: Some will mess it up on purpose

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