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Vision for the Future


UP Anaheim Branches
3751 Excursion
La Habra/Fullerton Branch
BNSF Locals
Tours and Cab Rides
Vancouver, B.C.


Site of the Month Archives


Railroad News
This Month's Featured Site

About This Site

Who Am I?

What do I expect to happen with my site within the next couple of weeks/months/years? Well, for starters, I don't intend to loose interest in trains any time soon, so rest assured, I expect this site to have a good, long life and continue expanding. Currently, I envision three near term goals for this site.

Phase 1: Design the site to be professionally presentable. The previous rendition of my site was very simple and not very inviting. It wasn't interesting and it didn't look like I cared. Well, I do. I want this site to be inviting and aesthetically pleasing, but more importantly, I want to share my interest in trains with other people and hopefully kindle their own personal interests as well. Beyond that, I want to have a site that documents present railroad activity and takes history into consideration as well. Moreover, I want other railfans to be able to view this site and then go out and find the same locations I enjoy, especially if they have never heard of the place or been there before. Currently, Phase 1 is in the building period and about 70% or so complete. I will always be adding and updating new photos, so in a sense this site is NEVER 100% complete, but as far as design and layout goes, that will stay about the same as soon as I iron out all the glitches. When Phase 1 is complete, here are some things you can expect to see:

  • Photo pages will remain as they appear now, but will be continually updated.
  • A "Website of the Month" feature (already begun)
  • A "Santa Fe Memories" feature
  • A commentary/journal section
  • A diesel locomotive spotters guide (this may take a while).
  • Continued improvements and refinements

Please feel free to email me with any comments or questions, as I would be delighted to hear from you and appreciate feedback on what you think about the site.

Phase 2: Get my own domain name and some real web space. This may be in the fairly near future. I am already somewhat fed up with Angelfire and its limitations on bandwith and storage space. I'm already using two Angelfire websites and will probably have to open a third. By my own estimation, about 300MB of space would hold me over for a couple of years, so I am looking into that. However, the one big advantage of Angelfire is that its free, and being a college student, get the idea. However, I DO intend to buy my domain name and get some real web space. It WILL happen. I'll MAKE it happen.

Phase 3: Convert all photos to thumnail types. This will allow me to put a lot more photos on a single page. It will also allow viewers to click on a particular photo and view it in its own window - much better for people on dial-up modems, plus it makes the site look clean and orderly. However, this will not happen until after Phase 2. I realize I could do it with Angelfire, but there are some limitations to that, and it would be like redesigning the site all over again. I'm not yet ready to do that. So for the time being, the site will appear as it does now, give or take a few minor modifications. And of course, stay tuned for updates!