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Table of Contents

Christian Sites
Frist you will find some very good Christian links,
with a veriaty of rescources.

My Favoite Sites
Then i have a list of sites i friquant.
Some for intertainment and some for info.

Web Sites Helps

Next you'll find a list of Web building sites,
from build your own to great tools and graphics.

Friends and Family
Last but definatly not least
are a few sites built by my family members and good friends.

Please come and visit all my links. Have a good time.

i have indicated with an Asterisk (*) if it is not a Christian site.
All sites listed are family friendly,
however some of them may contain links to sites that may not be.

Christian Sites

Globle Christian Network
This is a great Christain Resource Site
and there is a very nice chat room here.

View the Jesus Film online

Christian Site of the Day
You will see some very nice sites here

All kinds of Good Christian Resources

Spreading the Word of God through Music

John 3:16 Visual
Very nice site you must see this

Total Christian Resources
Just like it says
A great Resource Site

Wit and Wisdom by E-Mail
Great stories and jokes and funny littel tidbits

The Audio Bible on line

Cut right to the chase
Go right to the Audio Bible

Table of Contents

My Favoite Sites

*An Online Community of Writers, Musicians and Artists

*Don't let the name fool you.
This lady has a lot of cool and informative stuff on her site.
One page i find particuarly interasting is on the Holocaust.

*This site is all about what an individual can do to STOP THE HATE

*Adoption Photolists
This site has photos of childern around the world that are waiting to be adopted.
Many differant agancies have put this site together.

*The Rogue Market
Just a fun place to play your hand
at the stock market~~sorta

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Web Sites Helps Build Your Own Site/Great Graphics (FREE)

*Link exchange
Counters and other site building aids

*Free Sites/5MB Build your own!!

*Free Web Building Help

Free Sites/20MB

Free Graphics and other site bulding aids

*Sissi Builds some really great graphic

*W3 Tech School of Wed Desing
Crash Course in HTML

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Friends and Family

Donna's Cottage
Donna was a very nice page
and a beautiful Christian Heart

Angie has a very nice site. IT is fun and informative.

Phil's New Site
This will be a really nice site

The House of Judah
Phil's old site
Many of his songs are still here and not
at the New House yet

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