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Fro aka boychicken

This is my son Fro.

This page is all about him and his doings.
He's 16, loud, witty, and can be (when he want's something) charming.


All dressed up with no place to go.

The real deal

The hair is for REAL

This summer Fro turned seventeen.
I asked him what he wanted for his birthday.
The one thing he wanted most of all was to go backpacking.
So we did!

He is stand at the summit between Pattit and Yellow Belly Lakes,
located just south of Redfish Lake, Idaho.

Here he is at the trail juction between Yellowbelly and Toxaway Lakes.

And yes,
i was there!!!

Standing at the summit.

Don't you thinks it's wonderful when a young person
discovers early on what their lives ambition and purpose is?
The reality is this rarely happens.
And for those young people who don't
have a clue what to do with their life
there is the Military.

Now don't grimace.
The military is a great place to grow up
after mom and dad have done there part.
i like to think of it as "controlled freedom".
You are out from under the parents thumb.
You have an income. Your learning a trade.
You are given the opportunity to mature
in a semi-controlled environment.

i am pleased to announce that Fro has enlisted in the US Marine Corps.
This is a great opportunity for him.

Learn more about the US Marine Corps.

The cat named Rover

She's pertending to be Sheba.

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You never know ~~ maybe they will!! *grin*