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Patty's Page

The poems on this page were are writen by Patty Patterson.
i really enjoy her poetry.

Do you not Know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

1 Cor 6:19-20 (NIV)

You Paid the Price

When I think of all the times
That I've disappointed You
Times I've let my flesh decide
What I would or would not do

When I think of all the times
I've watched, as others strayed away
Remaining silent, even though I know
You've given me words to say

When I think of all the times
You've forgiven my mistakes
I want to bring someone to know
You, Lord
No matter what it takes

For in You there is peace
And rest for the soul
There is joy in persecution
For in You I am whole

I will take up my cross
I will lay down my life
Lord, I am Yours
You bought me, You own me
You paid the price

by Patty Patterson

Canine Christianity

Canine Christianity's
The name of the game
Most players are losers
For their religion is vain

Poodle-type Preachers
Man pleasing Mutts
Preach a bless-me club gospel
Cuz TRUTH takes guts

Pit-Bulls in the Pulpit
Latch on and won't let go
They like to dictate
To be in CONTROL

Chihuahua-type Charades
Bark loud but don't bite
Won't practice what they preach
Don't even know what's right

Wolves in sheep's clothing
With rich coats of wool
Devour little lambs
Who've been blinded as fools

All kinds of canines
Many different breeds
But only one in which
God is ever pleased

He is the sheepdog
Who is faithful and true
Leading sheep to their Shepherd
Is what he longs to do

He'd lay down his life
And gladly count the cost
It would hurt him far less
Than if one lamb were lost

by Patty Patterson


Coming home from school,
She runs into your arms,
Handing you a painting,
A display of childish charm.

Vying for attention,
He shows you a homeless one.
Skillfully created, by He,
Who could not be out done.

You take the childish painting,
You choose the perfect frame.
You proudly then display it,
Once she's signed her name.

Yet, from His grand creation,
You turn. You look away.
You see it as unworthy,
You ignore His proud display.

So tender, yet so callous,
You toss His handiwork aside.
Not recognizing the value.
It was for this man....he died.

by Patty Patterson

i have been “I need a friend”.
Take note my dear.

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples,
if ye have love one to another.
John 13:35 (KJV)

Once Upon A Chat Room

Once upon a chat room,
All the regulars were there.
In came “I need a friend”
But no one seemed to care.

4HisGlory only teased him.
And told him not to whine.
I’m tired of baby christians,
Crying all the time.

AboundingGrace turned,
She looked the other way.
Not caring about his problem
Wished he would go away.

MightyMan only noticed
Those he’d seen before.
Let the host greet others
Who come through the door.

All these Christain Chatters.
Bearing Christain Names.
Yet, is there even one in Whom
Christ really reigns?

I need a friend was saddened,
Where should he go for help?
Not a single christain chatter
Even cared how he felt.

If they don’t care.
Then does their God?
If not their God.... then Who?

I need a friend
Might have found the Lord.
If it hadn’t been ...... for You!

by Patty Patterson