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He's a looker, hard working, kind and best of all he loves me.


Don't you think he's cute!?!

Not only is he cute ~~ he's a musican and a poet.
This is a sample of his work. You can read more at his home page,
The House of Judah

The Laymen's Prayer

I am just a humble, lowly sinner Lord
Who comes to You each day on bended knee
Who asks for Your forgiveness and Your mercy Lord
Who asks to be with You eternally.

I feel that I'm not worthy of Your love my Lord
I've let You down betrayed You in the past
I long to be a keeper of the promise Lord
and to give My love My life to You at last.

Lord let me bleed with You let me walk with You each day
Lift me up, renew my soul, for this I humbly pray
I've seen the mighty Jordan and my crossing's surely near
Take my hand and guide my way please take away my fear

I've seen the truths the meaning of Your life my Lord
In the words of Mathew, Mark and Luke and John
and I'm thankful for the burden taken from me Lord
and I weep with joy for God's begotten Son

I'd climb atop the highest rocky mountain Lord
I'd climb without the shoes to shield my feet
and Satan won't be able to deter me Lord
For I know that You'll be there for me to meet

Lord let me bleed with You let me walk with You each day.
Lift me up, renew my soul, for this I humbly pray
I've seen the mighty Jordan and my crossing's surely near
Take my hand and guide my way please take away my fear
Take my hand and guide my way please take away my fear.

All of the writings accessed at the link above and here are the property of Philip David Welsh. Reproducing, copying, or distributing these writings without his expressed consent is illegal and violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Used with permission.

The Man and our Kids

That's Bruter and Sandy. Thier cute too~~ hu?!?

Here they are again!


She's a real looker too!

And a brat!!!