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What is consciousness?
Perhaps we could call my rather large student debt [consciousmess]! Did I do it in my sleep? No, not in my wildest lucid dreams. Sometimes the best medicine is laughter. It is probable (statistically speaking) that I will be working to pay off my student loans when I'm in my eighties. So if you really want to know more about consciousness from those in the know go to the bookstore.

Is this a blogger page? Possibly yes
Currently I am finishing my Masters thesis in Psychology at Loyola College in Baltimore, Maryland. The thesis concerns frequency of lucid dreaming and states of consciousness. The plan is to be finished by mid December 2001.
Well plans change, just had a thesis committee meeting (Nov. 20th). I did manage to throw myself over the barriers and am grateful for suggestions from my faculty advisor/readers that will improve the final project. I'm now marching ahead toward the Human Subjects Review Board and making revisions at the same time. However, will not be able to finish until spring semester. So look for the published thesis here in maybe May 2002. Check out the links page for more information now.

Update Feb. 25, 2002
Have been passed the Subjects Review Board twice. The first go round was successful. The second go round was an amendment seeking permission to gather more data via email; this too was approved. Approximately ten days from now I should be finished collection data. The next step is data analysis = cranking up good old SPSS. What next? Write the results section and a brief disscussion section. All this must be done and run by my major reader, plus signed off on by the department chair no later then April 7th! "Lions and tigers and bears, oh no." I'm telling myself, "I can do this, I must do this, I will do this."

Update May 15, 2002
Well... I'm not walking "the walk", but I'm just about finished with the thesis. Received the go ahead from my major reader today to hand it off to the two other readers. I thought I would lose my mind, (what's left of it) while struggling through the statistical analysis.

Update April 16, 2003
I finally got my degree via the mail in September 2002, and I'll be walking in cap and gown in May 2003! Soon I will post/publish the entire thesis here on the internet. I did find one of my variables was significant in the direction predicted.

Are you always so serious? No

are you dreaming now?

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