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Rona Joyner:Qld FOL/CSO Submission on Religion Freedom continued...

Question 5. How Will Other Human Rights Fare if Christianity is Deprived of its Right and Opportunity to Influence Society?

The short answer to this Question is "WE WILL LOSE MOST OTHER RIGHTS".

If Christianity is not free to influence community standards or government lawmaking, then many other human rights will be lost.

God-given Human Rights are Threatened.

Human Rights: In Biblical terms "human rights" equate to "that which enables and assists us to fulfill our human responsibility to obey God". Whatever God requires of man, God gives man the inalienable right to do or to be, and no one has the right to impair the freedom of any man lawfully to obey Almighty God. This doctrine is the basis of the ancient Imperial Acts, but when it is not being observed, it allows further violation of Human Rights, such as the right to life. Because of the allowance of abortion against the Word of God, tens of thousands of babies lose their right to life every year in Australia. There are many other similar examples.

God has given men three very important human rights by virtue of the Christian Scriptures:

"These rights consist, primarily, in the free enjoyment of personal security, of personal liberty, and of private property. So long as these remain inviolate, the subject is perfectly free; for every species of compulsive tyranny and oppression must act in opposition to one or other of these rights . . ." (quoted from Blackstone on 'Arms for Self-Defence'.)

Under our Christian Constitutional Monarchy we should be able to live, and raise children, in an environment where personal security, personal liberty, and private ownership of property are assured. We should be able to enjoy the blessing of Almighty God, and have our property safely protected. But the reality is vastly different, and our rights are diminishing continually.

Many God-given Human Rights have been lost in Australia because United Nations Declarations have become the excuse for changing our laws, including those dealing with marriage and family issues, and the Education Act and Regulations, to reflect the concepts of Humanism, Feminism, New Age, etc.. At least one High Court Judge has ruled that U.N. Declarations are NOT part of Australian Law. Alien laws steal from Christian families and Christian schools, the God-given right of parents and teachers to care for, control and discipline children as God expects.

Example No.3: In FOL's May-July 1999 'Light' Magazine there is an account of the Columbine High School massacre in Littleton, Colorado. At least seven of the victims have been identified as committed Christians, who lost their lives for admitting their Christian faith.

"And lastly, to vindicate these rights, when actually violated or attacked, the subjects of England are entitled, in the first place, to the regular administration and free course of justice in the courts of law; next, to the right of petitioning the king and parliament for redress of grievances; and, lastly, to the right of having and using arms for self-preservation and defence.

"For all of us have it in our choice to do everything that a good man would desire to do; and are restrained from nothing, but what would be pernicious either to ourselves or our fellow-citizens." (This extract is taken from pages 143 and 144 of the first volume (of four) of the 21st edition of Sir William Blackstone's book 'Commentaries on the Laws of England' dated 1884 in which it Is stated that it derives from the edition of 1783 with the author's last corrections.

Violations of Christian Rights and Freedoms.

Home invasion, including attacks on the elderly, removing "God Save the Queen" as our Anthem, and looking to changing our flag are examples of other instances of eroding of peoples' rights..

Christian Schools - What State educationists seem to want is to establish an exclusive civil religion in all schools - their own peculiar civil religion. But that is forbidden by our Constitution in Section 116. The educationists accuse Christian schools of not using books on State lists, and of teaching that creation is true. They accuse Christian parents of contributing to the mis-education of minors because they teach them to believe that God is creator and saviour of mankind, and that Christ is alive in heaven.

Students from Christian schools have proved over the years that they generally achieve much higher results than State Schools, but the Education Department is obviously not looking for good schooling, but for conformist schooling..

Christians have lost their right under Freedom of Religion to raise their children as Christians in a violence-free, and morally and sexually pure environment. The official use of anti-Christian material in the schools and on the air has seriously discriminated against Australia's Christian religion and belief, and its lawful Christian philosophy of education and of Broadcasting and Television. (See Philippians 4.8)

In a Christian country, abortion, cloning human beings, euthanasia, prostitution, sodomy, pornography, sex education in schools without a moral basis, etc., should not be foisted on those who hold to the nation's established religion. This is adding to people's insecurity. Discrimination against what is right is much worse than discrimination against what is evil and wrong in God's estimation.

Restraints on Preaching and Teaching: Along with violation of our established religion, there is the possibility that restraints will eventually be applied to public and even private preaching and teaching, possibly even involving one's own children. God has laid down what He demands of parents and grandparents in the matter of teaching our children.:

"God said, 'For I know him [Abraham] that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord Jehovah to do justice and judgment, that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which He has spoken of him." (Genesis 18.19)

"The Lord our God is one Lord: and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might, and these words that I command you this day, shall be in your heart: And you shall teach them diligrently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up." (Deuteronomy 6.4}

"The aged women likewise, be teachers of good things: that they may teach the young women . . to love their children" . . (Titus 2.3-5)

"The unfeigned faith that is in you [Timothy] dwelt first in your grandmother Lois, and in your mother Eunice; and I am persuaded in you also." (2 Timothy 1.5)

It is the Queen's Coronation Service and Oath, that forever legally secures for Her subjects: However, our right to our private property is tenuous because of official disinterest in our rights. Any government legislation that threatens private property is a violation of religious freedom and is repugnant to Law, but unfair taxes are taking toll. The Monarch's role is to protect our rights. She cannot tax us nor take from us in any way, and is absolutely no threat to our ownership of anything. So the blame must lie with our own Government.

Internation Law - our loss: The ratification of international treaties is creating a new type of law for Australia. It is a political party deception, in which we lose the lawful restraints of our Constitution, Common Law, etc., and create a law that by-passes the due process of law, for approval by the Australian people is not required..

The kind of Australia most people want is a land where personal security, personal liberty, and private property are fully secured The Australian Constitution provides our only effective means to limit the power of Federal Parliament. The Constitutional changes associated with a republic will allow the removal of these existing limits, and expose us all to loss of more rights. The government would no longer be controlled by the people, the Governor-General, or the Queen, but would be a law unto itself, with dictatorial powers in the hands of the Prime Minister. Back to Submission Table of Contents