While searching the rosters, I looked for specific Clark County towns
that were listed as soldier residences. These included:
Cities/Towns in Clark County (Past
& Present)
Adenmoor, Allright, Auburn, Aurora,
Casey, Castle Fin, Choctaw, Clark Center, Clarksville, Cleone,
Cumberland, Darwin, Dennison, Doyles, Ernst, Farrington, Dennison, Golf
Lakes, Griffin (historical), Hatton, Hogue Town, Livingston, Marshall,
Martinsville, McKeen, Melrose, Moonshine, Moriah, Neadmore, Oak Point,
Oakcrest, Oilfield, Orange, Patton, Snyder, SpikeTown, Walnut Prairie,
Weaver, Weir, Wells, Westfield, West Union, York