News & Opinion

Penny Arcade
Soul Coughing
I haven't had much luck finding e-mails for any of the F13 directors. So far, I'll I have been able to find is a review from The Onion about Adam Marcus' new movie Let It Snow. For those of you who don't remember, Adam Marcus directed Jason Goes To Hell, which I actually enjoyed. Anyway, I guess that it would really be helpful to make a list of all the f13 directors.... I'll have to get on that.

Don't think that I'm going to send you away empty handed! I do have a little bit of incredibly useless knowledge to add to your Friday The 13th encyclopedia. Jason in Pro Wrestling!

First off, you have the ever popular Jason the Terrible. Back when wrestling was really cheap and shoddy, it was easy for a guy to grab a hockey mask and call himself Jason. In fact, there have been about 7 or 8 Jason the Terrible's over the years. One actually became somewhat famous in Japan for getting involved in a lot of Deathmatches. For those of you who see wrestling as being one big fake show, let me tell you that a Deathmatch is one big fake BLOODY show. The wrestling is as fake as anything in the WWF, but the blood is real. Too real. Imagine a regular old wrestling match with barbed wire for ropes - with c4 explosives - with beds of nails - staple guns - boxes of broken glass! These guys really do hurt themselves, and Mick Foley covered it in his #1 bestselling autobiography Have a Nice Day! A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks. Jason the Terrible
Here are two other Jason-esque wrestlers...

This isn't the DOOMSDAY that killed Superman, it's actually the WWF's KANE (another Jason-esque character) in one of his first costumes!
Lord Humongous
Lord Humongous

This guy is actually supposed to be the guy from the Mad Max movies, but I think we can all see the Jason influence, can't we?
As you can see, not a single one could find the right mask. *Sigh* If only one person ripping off F13 could find a mask the looks even remotely close to the "real" ones, I'd at least give them a modicum of credit.

That's all for today. Check back on Tuesday for the next update. If you missed the last news page, it's linked below.
Jason X delays and F13 DVDs