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I was born in an animal hospital on February 12, 1996. My mother was pregnant with me and seven of my brothers and sisters when she was taken to the shelter. I don't know who took her to the shelter or why she was homeless. But it was a good thing, though. Winters in Chicago can be brutal.

I don't know what happened to my mother or my father. I do know though, that I am a mixed breed. I am half Siberian Husky (my father) and half Terrier (my mother). I look more Terrier because I am a light brown in color, but my tail is pure Husky...all curly and bushy. The shelter named me Benson.

In April of 1996, my skinny brother and I (he looked more Husky than me) and some of our friends from the shelter were taken to a pet store. The pet store was having an "adopt from the animal shelter" day. All of us were really excited on the way there. Us dogs even made friends with the cats.

When we got to the pet store, there were lots of people waiting outside to see what animals were available for adoption. The store wasn't open yet. The volunteers had to primp us all so that we would look good to the people who might take us home. Finally the doors opened and tons of people flooded the store, gawking, admiring and laughing at us.

My brother and I decided to put on a show. We were having a great time playing in our cage, chasing each other around. People pointed and laughed at our games. Then one lady wanted to see my brother. He yapped and yapped. He was so happy and I was so happy for him. The lady adopted him and I've never seen him since.

After he left, I was so sad because I had no one to play with in the cage. People were looking and admiring me but no one asked to see me. My other friends were getting new homes left and right. I really thought I was going to go back to the shelter, which I heard wasn't a good thing after one of these outings. Then a miracle happened.

A young lady was eyeing me. I knew she was interested because she asked some of the volunteers about me. I wasn't getting my hopes up, though, so I didn't make a sound, but my heart was beating loud and fast. She kept looking at me and looking at me. Then she walked away. I was devastated. I curled around in my cage and faced the back. I didn't want to look at anybody anymore.

But then she came back! I wasn't looking, but I heard her voice. I was so excited. She asked to see me!! I tried to play it cool when I got out of the cage, but it was hard. She was so nice and loving. I really wanted to go home with her. Then, I heard the magic words: "I'll take him." I had a home!! Little did I know how my life would change.

She took me to her house in a town called Homewood. Her house was nice and big. Lots of room and huge yard for me to run around. She gave me the grand tour and showed me my bed. Then she put me in her lap and named me. "You are Eliot," she said. "King Eliot Benson and this is your palace."

And that is how I came to be King of Homewood.


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