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One Hungry Monster by Susan Heyboer O'Keefe
A really cute counting book in rhyme. It tells the adventure of a young boy whose home is overcome by hungry monsters.

The Night I Followed The Dog by Nina Laden
This has to be my absolute favorite. My Human thinks it's make-believe, but I know it's true. It's about a boy who follows his dog one night after seeing him come home in a limo! If you've ever wondered what we dogs do at night while you Humans sleep, read this book! Very funny. Very true!


Now, you know I had to have this category here. I love food. What's my favorite food? Bread. Bread is so good, I could eat ten loaves a day!

What's my least favorite food? Bananas! Yuck! I know they're good for you Humans, but they are pretty gross for us dogs!


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