problems and creative solutions
cat suckling study—the results
3. What did/does the cat suckle—skin,
clothing, or something else?
Suckling Feline #1: Clothing (shirt sleeves)
Suckling Feline #2: My earlobes
Suckling Feline #3: Clothing - mostly my neck
Suckling Feline #4: Clothing I am wearing or sheets I have
slept on
Suckling Feline #5:
Throw blanket
Suckling Feline #6: A large stuffed dog (researcher's comment:
Suckling Feline #7: Clothing/blankets
Suckling Feline #8:
Suckles older male cat
Suckling Feline #9: She suckles her own stomach
Suckling Feline #10: Clothing I am wearing, skin around neck/ear
Suckling Feline #11: Other cats fur
Suckling Feline #12: Skin, clothing (when on you), other cat
Suckling Feline #13: My hair and necklaces.
Suckling Feline #14: Her back foot
Suckling Feline #15: Cotton clothing/bedding materials
Suckling Feline #16: My palms and fingers
Suckling Feline #17: Blankets
Suckling Feline #18: Skin Suckling Feline #19: Skin, clothing.
He drools when thinking of it.
Suckling Feline #20: My ear and soft clothing.
Suckling Feline #21: Throw blanket or sheets
Suckling Feline #22: Skin and hair and kneads her paws alot
Suckling Feline #23: Blankets, wool afghans
Suckling Feline #24: Clothing, bedspreads
Suckling Feline #25: She climbs on my lap when I sit on the
couch (no where else), purrs for awhile, then begins to "bink."
This is the affectionate term we use for her suckling.
Suckling Feline #26: Her older adopted brothers arm Suckling
Feline #27: Clothing, skin, lining of coat Suckling Feline
#28: My neck. She would wrap around my head at night.
Suckling Feline #29: Clothing
Suckling Feline #30: Blanket
Suckling Feline #31: He suckles clothing usually and sometimes
Suckling Feline #32: Clothing
Suckling Feline #33: He did suck on my bottom lip Suckling Feline
#34: Skin, blanket, and our dog!
Suckling Feline #35: Clothing
Suckling Feline #36: Clothing
Suckling Feline #37: Skin
Suckling Feline #38: Her right front paw
Suckling Feline #39: Clothing
Suckling Feline #40: My fingers sometimes, her own stomach
a lot
Suckling Feline #41: Clothing
Suckling Feline #42: Hands, arms - mostly palms of hands
Suckling Feline #43: Bow on my nightgown
Suckling Feline #44: Earlobes
Suckling Feline #45: His own tail
Suckling Feline #46: Skin and blankets
Suckling Feline #47: Red, black and gray afghan
Suckling Feline #48: Clothing
Suckling Feline #49: Her leg
Suckling Feline #50: Clothing
Suckling Feline #51: Owners' necks and clothes Suckling
Feline #52: Area of my belly on my shirt. While sitting on lap.
Suckling Feline #53: Fingers Suckling Feline #54:
Her sister's (littermate's) neck Suckling Feline #55: Her
sister's (Binky's) neck
Suckling Feline #56: My hair
Suckling Feline #57: Her own nipple
Suckling Feline #58: my hair
Suckling Feline #59: clothing especially cotton knit pjs
Suckling Feline #60: my daughter's top lip
Suckling Feline #61: Clothing
Suckling Feline #62: clothing and bedding
Suckling Feline #63: skin
Suckling Feline #64: other (male) cat's fur, human skin
Suckling Feline #65: his own tail
Suckling Feline #66: His own nipple
Suckling Feline #67: fingertips
Suckling Feline #68: The mane of fur around our pomeranian's
Suckling Feline #69: clothing on lap or arms, sometimes skin
Suckling Feline #70: Clothing
Suckling Feline #71: Blanket and skin
Suckling Feline #72: blanket
Suckling Feline #73: skin, other cats, himself
Suckling Feline #74: fingers
Suckling Feline #75: clothing -- particularly fond of tee-shirts
Suckling Feline #76: Clothing and skin both
Suckling Feline #77: Scalp/hair
Suckling Feline #78: clothing
Suckling Feline #79: clothing, or my nephew's ears
Suckling Feline #80: my right earlobe
Suckling Feline #81: hair
Suckling Feline #82: clothing
Suckling Feline #83: my other cats nipples
Suckling Feline #84: ear lobe/neck area
Suckling Feline #85: Skin, mostly my earlobe.
Suckling Feline #86: clothes and blankets
Suckling Feline #87: the skin on my inner elbow
Suckling Feline #88: clothing
Suckling Feline #89: a blanket that she has been laying on
Suckling Feline #90: My neck and ears |
4. Did the cat ever stop
5-6. If
so, at what age? If not, how old is the cat now and does he/she suckle
less than before?
7. Did
you let the cat suckle or did you discourage it?
8. If you discouraged suckling,
please explain how.
Would you say that your cat, outside of the suckling, or previous suckling,
is well-adjusted, or does the cat have behavior or emotional problems?