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a Guide to good Anime.. these are good anime to watch.

Grave of the Fireflies
- a story about reality that will touch your heart
My Neighbor Totoro - imaginative and fun. a story of two girls who meet the friend of a lifetime.
Princess Monoke
- all creatures have a spirit that need to be respected
Spirited Away - the family moves to countryside and finds a place that spirts are to vacation at. they are trapped, the parents turn to pigs and chiriko must find a way to change them back.
Spring & Chaos - a real life story of beloved poet kenji miyazawa and his struggle to have the world understand him and his art.
Plastic Little - pet hunters and girl-girl stuff at its most subtle.. stunning art.

OAV or Series
Burn Up W! - Sexy police comedy
- a story about the future and how robot cuties can take over reality.
Devil Hunter Yohko
- hunting devils is a tough job especially in super cute outfits.
Galaxy Fraulien Yuna
- cute girls in mecha suits and robots out to save the world
Golden Boy - super silly sexy comedy, a boy on a bicycle finds part time jobs with many perversions.
Fushigi Yugi
- two girls find an ancient story book only to be sucked into the story itself.
Love Hina - comical hijix of a boy who becomes the landlord to a girls dorm. Will he find his love of the past?
Magic Knight Rayearth
- can three young girls save Cephiro from falling into evil?
Project A-ko - regular in apperance these high school girls are tough and battle robots, being late to school and love.
Ranma 1/2
- martial arts comedy. a man turns to a beautiful young woman when splashed with cold water. a classic anime.
Tenchi Muyo - catfights, space creatures and mysterious swords.. oh my!