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Website Help
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yes i'm here to help you make your internet experience the best it can be.

Let's Setup Webpages.. (& get your pictures on the web)

Web Server Type Ease of Use Picture Host? Space Bandwidth Allowance
Geocities.com webpages Easy No 5mB  
Angelfire.com webpages Easy-Intermediate Nope, but if you pay $4.95/mo Yes.. 20mB 1GB
AOL everything Simple Yes 20mB unlimited
Apt107.com import car community Intermediate n/a find your own picture server unlimited
Asianavenue.com online asian community Intermediate Yes 150000bytes unlimited
Imagestation.com picture album no info Yes unlimited --


Webpages: they can be created at any of these sites listed above on the chart. The easiest way is to just put a whole bunch of pics on your pages and send whomever to the page via yourwebpagelink.. the directions to creating them in geocities, angelfire and AOL is easier.. apt107 and asianavenue will require basic knowledge of html (help: www.webmonkey.com)

Space: limit to how much you can upload onto the site (pictures take up more space than text)
Bandwidth: the allowance of data transfer allowed in a month.. if you have big huge pictures/videos/music files you'll consume the allotment of bandwidth quickly(website will cutoff access to your site)

Picture Hosting: if you want to find a picture hosting service its going to cost you some $... if you already have AOL see article below about AOL Hometown as a picture server... picture hosting varies from site to site and usually will only allow you to host a pic for a week(basically for auction websites.) the only way around it is to pay for an upgrade on angelfire/geocities etc.. 

Online Communities: Apt107 and asianavenue(AA) are great places to start a webpage.. but it is member only access so other people that aren't a part of that specific website can't see it. But it's a great way to find penpals.. and you can sign everyone elses Guestbooks.

AOL Hometown: if you pay for aol you will be allowed to make a homepage. one per screenname(up to 5 in one account). this means if you actually have 100mB of space if you have access to all the accounts. The only problem is see is that once you put a picture onto the server.. if you want to delete it you'd have to delete all the files that already exist.

Phase One(make a dorky page with 1, 2, 3 Publish)

  1. Go to Keyword: Hometown
  2. Create a webpage or go to Beginner's Start Here(1,2,3 Publish)
  3. choose a template or go to your first homepage(you can change it later)
  4. it should take to you so you can make a homepage(color of background, words for the page, etc.)
  5. Save (button on the bottom) aol will send you a email telling you about your webpage & the link

Second Phase(Easy Designer)

  1. go back to Main
  2. Choose Easy Designer(off to the right.. its a what you see is what you get program, basically drag and drop)
  3. choose the page you want to edit
  4. give it a min to load the program onto your computer
  5. its relatively easy to setup your page now.. all the options are on big buttons at the top
  6. loading up pics is a snap(top right hand button) insert picture
  7. go to my pictures -> upload -> browse(to find pics on your computer

Important Notes:

bulletthe pictures do not have to be visible on the page to use them for other forums/pages...
bulletthe file name is going to be http://members.aol.com/yourscreenname/images/picture.fileextension of course the things in yellow would change depending on the person.
bulletdon't let the pictures overlap on your page otherwise it won't allow you to save. If you get cutoff from AOL without saving the page the pictures you uploaded in that session will not be deleted, but anything you changed on the visible page will not be saved.


But I Don't want to learn HTML!! (copy and paste-> cheater html)

Microsoft Word as a HTML helper: yep you got-it Word can be used as a html helper on your quest to page making. simple choose New Page from the File. it'll bring up page templates.. choose one page web/webpage.. your all set. Add the pictures and stuff to the page, choose the background color, type the text.. then check out the HTML source(View -> html source)..

Microsoft Front Page 2000: this is the program i use to create my site.. because its a microsoft program it's really easy to use. its just like microsoft word.. you type in it.. add pictures and when you print it out it looks just like what's on your computer.. the only thing is finding a webserver who is "FrontPage Enabled" or "front page compatible".. this means that it has the server extensions for you to directly upload your site from FrontPage with the push of a "publish web" button.

you can also create a page and view the html coding.. which means you can copy and paste all that html junk to your other sites... you can use the basics but other dynamic html effects(eg: cool page rollovers) won't work.. unless you publish straight from FrontPage.

Important Notes:

bulletdon't get to elaborate with colors.. some cannot be viewed as web colors.. such is the same with text.. if the other person doesn't have the font installed they will only see regular font. or worse yet no words at all.
bulletjpgs and gifs are better to use than bmp.. bmp files hog too much space
bulletregular internet viewing dpi is 72.. so if you are concerned with bandwidth and space and have lots of pictures.. you'll be considering these factors as well.
bulletwebsites that sell stuff should be made with a white background. it presents well and looks clean to the viewer.