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Angel Babies; Our Story

Most people have only heard of Angels...I held one in my arms!

About us:My name is Kim and my husband's name is Troy. We got married July 3, 1993 after 7 years of dating (we were highschool sweethearts!). I am still trying to finish college. It has taken a long time to finally decide what I want to be when I grow up! I have 1 more year left in Nursing School at Bradley University. My husband on the other hand always knew what he wanted to do with his life. He's a Doctor (Pediatric Resident at St. Francis). We currently have 3 dogs (Bailey, Payton, and Riley) and two "angel babies" (Ryan & Kaitlyn). We always thought that we would get married, have kids, and live happily ever after. We were wrong! Life has not been that easy for us.

About Ryan:After trying to get pregnant for two years (from too many distractions in our lives), it happened! In January of 1996 I was pregnant! At my 1st doctor's appointment we found out I was 5 weeks along and we got to see Ryan's heartbeat. It was amazing! I cried. We were so excited about this baby. I tried to do everything by the book (being the good nurse and all). Everything seemed to be going great until I was 12 weeks pregnant. I woke up with some cramping and spotting. I called my doctor and met him at the ER. They did a sonogram on me and everything looked normal, but I came to find out that I may have an incompetent cervix. My doctor told me that I might need a string put in to reinforce my cervix (cerclage). I was sent to the Perinatologists to see what they thought. They could not confirm what the Radiologist had seen so I was sent home. At my 16 week check-up again everything seemed to be going well. Two days later (Good Friday of all days) my sac broke. Troy rushed me to the ER. We were so scared. The doctors confirmed what I already knew...I was having a miscarriage. After 3 hours of waiting and crying they did a D&C. Troy's & my dreams for our baby were shattered. After the miscarriage I not only had to deal with losing Ryan I had complications from the D&C. I developed Asherman's Syndrome (this is where both sides of the uterus are stuck together-rarely occurs). I had surgery and it was successful. I found out that my cervix was not only incompetent, but shorter than the average woman's so I had the Shirodkar suture put in (which is much deeper in the tissues than the one they normally use). Finally, in April we were able to start trying to get pregnant again.

About Kaitlyn:On September 15, 1997 I was pregnant again! We were so excited and scared at the same time. Every precaution was taken. I had to drop out of school to be on home bed rest. Everything was going fine until my 16 week check-up. My doctor sent me to the hospital because my cervix was beginning to open (even with the cerclage!). I was put in trendellenberg position (this is where your feet are higher than your head), antibiotics, and mag. sulfate (this relaxes the uterine muscles). The next day I had another cerclage put in. I stayed in the hopital for the next 9 weeks until Kaitlyn had to be born. During my stay I found out I had some form of Diabetes (not just gestational either-we now think it may be a glucose intolerance) and was insulin resistant (I was getting 315 units of insulin a day-that is a lot-and it was not bringing my blood sugar into a normal range). The big worry was that Kaitlyn might have developed birth defects. I Had sonos done every 2 weeks (that was the best part! Second only to being able to hear her heartbeat every 8 hours). By the 21st week we found out that she was fine. That was the best Christmas gift! At 23 weeks my sac broke, but I was not in labor so we were able to continue on. Kaitlyn & I were beating the odds until January 20, 1998 when we developed an infection and she had to be delivered. Kaitlyn Rose was born by c-section (she was in breech position) at 1:53pm. She weighed 1 lb. 7 oz. and was 11 1/2 in. long! I didn't get to see her until I was out of recovery because she was rushed off to the NICU. When I finally saw her I was in awe by her beauty. I loved her more than words could describe. Troy was so gentle with her. You could see the love in his eyes as he looked at her while stroking her forehead. We were both so proud of her. She was our miracle baby! Kaitlyn developed pneumonia from the infection. On February 2, 1998 we had to make the gut wrenching decision to take her off the machines (she was rapidly going down hill and we wanted her to die in our arms rather than in a cold lonely bed). She lived for 13 days fighting very hard for her life, but her lungs were immature and too damaged. Kaitlyn had quite a personality and a spirit of her own!

We love and miss Ryan & Kaitlyn very much and can't wait until we are all reunited in heaven!

A Special "THANKS" goes out to our family, friends, and our Doctors, nurses & support staff for all the Love & Support!

The music playing is "Tears in Heaven" by Eric Clapton.

Things you can do to keep your baby's memory alive!

  • Frame pictures, sonograms, hand/footprints
  • plant a tree or rosebush in memory of your baby
  • buy a special candle to be lit on your baby's birthday or the anniversary of their death
  • Talk to others about your baby
  • Make a memory box to place your baby's precious items in
  • Decorate your church with flowers on your baby's birthday, anniversary of their death, or holidays
  • Transfer photos, footprints, sonograms or pictures to a t-shirt
  • Engrave ornaments with names and dates on them at Christmas
  • Write poems or stories about your baby
  • Purchase family rings, lockets, or charms with your baby's birthstone
  • Sign your baby's name (or use a special stamp or sticker if uncomfortable signing their name) on family cards
  • Have your baby's protrait sketched or painted

Family Pictures
Where Angelbabies Play!
Book Resources
Support Groups
Ryan's Page/Miscarriage Info
Kaitlyn's Memorial
Special Things 1
Special Things 2
Fun Free Stuff!
Memories of An Angel...
Incompetent Cervix Info
Kisses From Heaven
Banner Exchange
Cemetary Caution!!
Awards Page 1
Awards Page 2

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Email: Kim and Troy

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