...stomping ground...
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Stomping Ground

sarah luvinz kelli fer this!

*Sarah's chatter*

This is the part where i chatter. woo!. okay. well as you all should know, aussie kids are overjoyed because the "boys are back in town". I wish silverchair would come back to the states already! hehe. RIP silverchair.net.... and that's all. Read on...

Hey all you silver peoples! Welcome to one of many sc sites around. But, I like to think that it's got the *sarah* flair to it and stands out. Yeah, if only Chairpage would get out of the way.. =) No, I love them. Anyway, what can you do here, now that I've dragged you here??? Well, pick and choose from below...

silverchair Quotes

I know I can't be the only one that's noticed that Ben, Chris and Daniel are very, to say the least, witty. Therefore, I've compiled heaps of silverchair quotes. Always a laugh. Although sometimes taken out of context, it's more fun that way *smile*.

The silverchair story

This is where you can catch up on your 'chair history, from Innocent Criminal-era all the way up to our most recent, the beginning of the Neon Ballroom-era. See the magic of how the 'chair got popular.

Meet the Band

No, I will not fly them over to your house for a meet and greet. But in case you feel that urge to know all about the band or need to know if you're compatible with the guys *smile*, visit this part.

silverchair Music

By far the most practical part, seeing they are music makers. Here, in the music section you can find stuff concerning Frogstomp, Freak Show, Neon Ballroom and all the singles and the like. Look, listen, learn.

Sarah's silvernews Stand

Get your silverchair articles here! Hee. Anyway, yes, read what other people have wrote about silverchair, and their always delightful interviews. And remember, you can always laugh at the teeny magazines... and of course, my running commentary can be found in most of the articles.

silverchair on the Net

Your emailbox wants you to come here. This is a list of mailing lists related to the 'chair. There's everything from the silverchair Addiction (which I highly recommend) to the TNT (I love you TNT-ers!).

silver Fantasies

Fantasies! I know that about 90% of you have these (especially during those ever so fun classes...). So why not share with us your silverchair-related fantasies. And I'm not necessarily talking about your thoughts of boinking Daniel...but if that's what it entails *wink*.

Trading Section

Hey 'chair traders! This is the section for you! With my revivied love for 'chair shows, I'm starting trades again. I have a pretty huge listy.. so chances are that if you want it, I have it.


I swear, if you leave my page for another silverchair websites I won't cry :) Anyway, there are just a skillion more kickass 'chair sites out there and I think you should visit them.


This is my masterpiece Freaks Of Oz . I gave it to my 'chair loving english teacher and she thinks I'm psycho. But hey, that's not for me to decide. Go read, love, sign its guestbook with critiques.

Thanx, everybody

You think you're special if you're on my thanx page? Well you are. Cos you're all wonderful to be there.

Tis the guestbook..look, sign, love, encompass all that is guestbook
...sign it!...
...read it!...

Updated -0818999- lots of quotes added.

Daniel has saved animals since the page has opened. (haha my counter restarted. I had over 10,000 hits!)

Take the Time to Learn to..email..hehe, lame joke stomping_ground@hotmail.com

| silverchair says...| | Meet The Band| |The silverchair Story| | nothing yet!| | *sarah* says|
| silverNews Stand| | Fantasies (ooh la la)| | La Musica| | Trade With Me|
| Freaks Of Oz| | Webrings| | Mailing Lists/Zines|
| Thanx To..| | silverlinks|
| Fan Mail|