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silverchair fantasies *oooh lala*

Send your fantasies in!!!! Please, I'm not asking much.

from Amy

I would like to see how a day in the life of Ben would be (that would be one hell of a day!), and I want to see how Chris' girlfriend is 'cause I've heard all this crap about her online, I want to know the real thing and how lucky she is to be able to even meet him and I want to see how his twin sister looks like. And Daniel, I want to see Sweep and get into his brain.

from Jozzy Ozzy

My fantasy is to play elevator tag in the hotel (when we meet them) then, like tease Ben, and make out with my girlfriend right in front of him, then make Danny a drag queen!

I luvinz Heather. She never fails to amaze me:

Here's one me and my friends were thinking about while watching Mistakes & Outtakes (for the...10,000 time, I'm sure.) Wouldn't it be just the coolest to be Daniel for a day? You could shatter everyone's faith in his veganism by hitting McDonald's or someintg. My friend Katey said she would do some through, err...searching of her body if she was him (and take pictures), I said I'd take a whole bunch of pictures, steal all of his clothes, pack it all up in a box and send it to myself =). While in Daniel's body you could just wreak total havoc on his life (hmm..interesting how that's all I think of), or just see how it is to be Daniel. Neat, eh? Maybe tell Ben you're really gay and have a crush on him or something. He'd be uncomfortable around Daniel for the rest of his life... Okay, I'm done being horrible. [I personally, would have loved for Heather to go on. She's one sick puppy, in the best sense, though ;)]

from Patty Oritz

My fantasy is to actually meet Daniel Johns, hold a conversation, and jam with him. He seems like an awesome dude, that isn't in all this shit..don't ya' think? I want to go to the beach, and learn how to surf with them. Of course, I'd have to go to one of their concerts and just hang backstage, or crowd surf in the mosh-pit, and just go completely nuts! (Some people are really stupid, or have no common sense, like they scream through a whole song, so you're like, "I can't hear the fucking song, shut up!". It's cool, to go wild and shit, but not to the point where you can't hear the songs!

from Jen

I would like to meet all of them, but especially Chris, he's sooo kewl. I read that he rebuilt a car, and I think that woud be a ton o fun. I'd like to have him help me fix my car. amd teach me, since I want to be a mechanic. Chris would also help me with my bass playing ( I suck sooo bad!) cuz he's so talented. I think that the three of them could teach me how to surf, too, that would be fun. I'd like to just hang out and talk to them, ya know? Find out how their minds work... that's my sc fantasy.

from Khan79

My wish would be to get to go to australia and see silverchair live, and get to meet them afterwards! That'd kick ass!!!! That's not too much to want, it it?


OKAY!!!!! This is it... I would meet them right? All of them, not just one of them. Then they'd like..... tug me around with them for a week... I'd get to see what it's like to be one of them... just not ACTUALLY be one of them.... (amy and heather). Then, I'd get to go to at LEAST three concerts and totally mosh with all I was worth and bodysurf and all that good stuff even though it would be my first time at a concert ever. Then, just because it's fun... at the hotels... we would all like, run crazy and knock on people's doors and all that good stuff. The best is running up the down escalators and down the up... that's awesome. Then, we'd get onto the elevators and ride up and down and have ice wars. *where you all get a bucket of ice and you go wild throwing... just not hard or you get lots of bruises* Then we'd totally mess with peoples minds by like... walking around the streets and saying stuff like.... "Man... I wish I got tickets to that silverchair concert" or something... that would be great!

from Tianna Gabrielsen

Well, my fantasy is sort of lame, but it's something that would be a total dream come true. My fantasy is to meet Daniel, hang out with him for a night and talk and laugh and watch the sunset on the beach and lay beneath the stars at night and talk about life and experiences and all that friendly stuff. Maybe start a friendship. I mean, the only reason I'd want to be friends with him is because he seems like a total down to earth guy. He's not to hard on the eyes, and last but not least he has a great smile. That's the kind of mushy sh** my dreams are made of. [sarah's note: i think that's absolutely cute!!!! :)]

from Gina the sc freak

What's really kewl is me kicking it with silverchair. And some real freaky fantasies of mine are: Shaving Ben's head for him then he can give me a few TIPS *ohhhh* on the drums. I take Chris downtown to meet people and we'd just spend the day together outside a liquor store with Chris's bass, playing some tunes while people walk by and throw some coins in the case. *hehe* and Daniel........I loove Daniel. I'd wash his hair and he'd wash mine then he'd make me a mean veggie soup. All the veggies..........all the spices.

from silverjuli from Brazil...that's kewlness :)
Well, something would make me feel really completed about 'chair: I would like a day with them, doing funny things and having a great time, us four... Then, in the end of the day, they play to me some of the musics that I like more. That would be just fantastic!!!

from Nicole

My fantasy is I am sitting in the park and Daniel comes up to me and asks me out. HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!! I wish sooooooo bad! I also want to go to a silverchair concert and Daniel and Ben bring me up on stage! COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

from Natalie

My silverchair fantasy is pretty pathetic, but it's mine and I love it so here it is. I would fly to Australia and while touring around with my friends we would spot the guys in Sydney or something and they would invite us to hang out with them and so we would go back to Newcastle and hang out with them. Chris would teach me how to fix my car and I would meet his girlfriend and we'd chat. Then Ben would teach me how to surf and I would teach him about what girls really want and then he would find an awesome chick all thanks to me! And then Daniel and I would hang out in his room and I would meet his family and he would show me the lyrics to songs that he hasn't written music to yet and then we would take Sweep for a walk and then the two of us would go out with Ben and his new girl and Chris and his woman and we would all be really happy and I would live in Newcastle forever! That's it, you can stop laughing now! [ sarah's note: i didn't laugh once! i thought that was cool!]

from one of my fave people Kelli

I always have this little scenario in my mind that somehow I have connections to the band (like I discover watson's my half uncle or something) and while I'm visiting that "connection" (good old uncle john!) coincidentally, so is silverchair. So we hang out, become friends, and I play an accompaniment to one of their songs or sing in the background one day while we're fooling around with our instruments and they like my sound so much, they ask me to join the band. A little ridiculous, but, hey, it could happen! [sarah'z note..yesh, it happenz then they ask my future band, Goldtable, to come and tour with them ;)]


My silverchair fantasy would be to play in a concert with them, and go on tour. I'd move to Australia and live in Daniel's garage and together with Ben and Chris we would make a killer album!!!!!!!!


Okay, this is going to be really stupid so please try for my sake, to contain your laughter till i'm done. My silverchair fantasy would be to meet them for a day and just see what they really act like. First I'd want to meet Chris, I'd get him to look at my car (maybe he could figure out whats wrong with it) becouse I heard that he likes cars a lot. Then I would want to see his twin sister and see if they look alike. Next we would head over to Daniel's house and I would meet his dog. We would dye our hair some strange bazaar colour together, and then we would go to Bens house and jam in his garage. I would get to play Daniels green PRS that Page Hamilton gave him. Ben would attempt to teach me to play drums (attempt being the key word here, I've tryed to drum and suck sooo bad!). Then when it was time for me to leave, the plane would crash so I would have to stay in Australia. I would live in one of Sweep's old dog houses in the Daniels back yard. And we would all live happily ever after. (You can laugh now) [sarah's note..why does everyone think peeps are gonna laugh? i think all these are damn more creative than mine]

from Maria, who's totally aussiesome!! You'll find this odd or bizarre, but my fantasy was to meet Chris and Ben one day in the past when they were talking to Daniel on the phone, trying to tell him not to suicide. I would go and meet Daniel, talk to him and listen also. Well, then I would be so depressed I would kill myself with him. THE END. At least you won't laugh at this one... :-) [sarah says, i didn't laugh!]

from Nikie Graham

I would be listening to the radio and i hear that silverchair is comming to town! WOO HOO! I run out that second and wait in line till the tickets are avalible. I get 3 tickets and 3 backstage passes. $$ is no object in this situation. WE go to the concert and we have the best seats! I notice that Daniel is watching me and singing to ME the WHOLE concert! After the show we wander backstage and Daniel comes up to me and is like "Nikie! I can't believe you came!! I missed you so much" as he embraces me in a huge hug! It turns out that we met at a carnaval a long time ago and he had never forgotten me. The reason he was single this whole time is because he was waiting for me to find him again. Ben and Chris got along with my friends quite well, and Daniel and I end up getting together. He helps my music carrear BLAST off and we live happily ever after! (It will come true it will come true! well it will if i keep wishing on those lonesome stars up in the moolit sky on a warm summer evening)

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