Sarah's silvernews Stand

Wow...long time no see. I've decided I have no life, and that I can spend time online now, working on my 'chair websites. That and I have new refound love for them. Anyway. So yes, with the release of Neon Ballroom coming soon to a CD player near you, expect lots of news articles to come. And I'll keep working on putting together old ones.

You will see stuff from "Teeny mags", for example Teen Beat. Now, I am not going to go on about how I'm not a teeny. The fact that I'm doing this should be proof enough. Now, I know a lot of you hate teenies to the highest extreme. But, come on, they're only bad at concerts. So, read the Teeny stuff. It's funny =) And, besides, every bit of media coverage sells CD's.

By the way, I type this all by hand. That's why there's not a lot. I don't have the time (or patience) to type up a skillion articles. So yeah. At least I'm not stealing from all your webpages.


Learning Their Craft


silverchair: Inside The Freak Show
from Modern Drummer
'Chair Man Of The Bored
Grommets Living their Dream
silverchair is Here to Stay!
Teen Dream
silverchair from 99x magazine
Freak Speak (not the tape)


You must read this: Vice Girl's Song of Woe about silverchair Star
Children Of The Revolution
silverchair on silverwings
Band Gets a Higher Education
excerpt from 'Precious Rockers'
silverchair Let Their Freak Flag Fly High


silverchair- Australia's Sonic Youth
silverchair Go Gold!
from Raw Magazine
silverchair's Big Day Out!
excerpt from 'Alternative' Primer


Now, some of these I took the time to actually transcribe myself, so please, if you want it email me and ask. I'll give it to most likely, but it was hells long to do some.

120 minutes transcription


These are collections of small tidbits in mags such as Circus that menchion silverchair, but not really an article.
Circus Magazine
Hit Parader Magazine

Have any requests? Any problems, criticisms, compliments (I like those!!)? Sign the guestbook! There's a better chance I'll read it then an email!

Talk to me baby... ...and I'll read what you said

haha i have a *saturn* guestbook. i worship sailor saturn

Last updated on 18 February 1999

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