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Level One:    Drama activities

        Warmup Activities

Activity 1:
In this activity, children will be asked to use their
imagination, concentration, imitation, and transformation skills.  These four skills will be necessary for all drama activities.   For further
elaboration of the four skills, go to:

Pass the Object:

Pass an object, such as a ruler, around the circle of students.
Have each student transform it in their imaginations.  Each student will say: "This is not a ruler, it is a guitar (broom, toothbrush, violin, knife, etc.

Activity 2:
Define concentration and imitation.  Remind children to find their own "personal space", instead of assigning it to them.

Ask them to initiate an activity or an action.  Use a signaling device, like a bell or tambourine, to start the activity, such as,
"building a snowman".  When the signal is hit again, students will "freeze" in the position they find themselves in, and must stay that way until they hear the signal again.  When students "unfreeze", try the activity again.

Activity 3:
Body Object Statues

Pair the class into partners.  Name different objects and have the participants make those objects with their bodies, such as:
make a lamp, birdcage, tree, etc.

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