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   StoryMaking through Drama

 These activities for meet the Illinois Standards:
                        2-5.A,  2-6.A & B,  2-7.A & B

Once the children have been familiarized with the 4 skills necessary for using Drama strategies in the classroom, they will need to practice their "Teamwork" skills.  See "Self-Management" for more information.  The following activities will enhance the teamwork skills and also help children to internalize the concepts of story elements, such as "characters", "setting", "time",
"sequence", "plot", "climax", and "resolution".


Activity One:

Statue Maker and Partner Work

Skills: Negotiation, cooperation, imagination

Put partners in pairs, model the statue maker by showing children how one partner will be the statue "maker", while the other partner will be the "statue", or "clay" that the other must mold.
Review negotiation skills, and the "Don't tell, ASK" rule. See:
"Self-Management" for details!

Activity Two:

Working with a Book

Skills: Review of a Book Read, Comprehension, Retelling

First put students into groups by counting off 1,2,3,4 (etc.).
Have students create a "still life" picture of the setting. No movement or voice is allowed.  Any aspect of the book's "Setting" is allowed.

Try creating a major object in the story. Add a character interacting with that object.  Remember, NO voices!

Children can guess what part of the story (in the setting) is being enacted in the groups.  There is no right or wrong, this is not a competition, it is a means for leading a discussion about the book!

Activity Three:

Moments to Remember!

Skills: Interpretation, Elements of Story

Students will enact a moment of "tension", or "climax" in the book.
Other students will try to guess what the moment is, and also discuss whether they agree that this is  the moment  of tension.

To Review "Tools" of Drama (Voice, Mind, Body) go to:
        "Self-Management" page!

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