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L.I.W./A.D. I and II Family, Friends and Relatives

( Living Immortal White/Albino Dragons)

(Messenger Dragonette)
Council Room.


(DO note, that some of these pictures are of the family in their human forms, and will remain so until I finish the drawings of each character. Thank you. ALSO: First name=Dragon form, Second name=Human form OR halfway form depending on that character's abilities.
  • Powers listed for each charcter are listed from least to greatest.

  • (All character summaries ae done by Laura and Rika.)

  • UPDATED: 5/01/2001

    ALSO: Laurastashia is the character Lady_Rika aka Rika on the internet. The person behind the chat nick switched names because her name too closely resembled the characters name in these stories. Therefore, Rikastashia is the younger sister, and Laurastashia is the older.)


    Midnight, Laura's Pet
    Rika's first pet, Glimmer
    Rika's second pet, Emerald
    Julyan's first pet, Glint
    Julyan's second pet, Scorch
    The Children's Pets (Zanitek, Blite and Aria)

    Dragoshian/Draigonian/Draiconian Laws

    Guardian/Protetorate Laws

    L.I.W./A.D. Levels of Membership/Power

    Level 1: Regular Member.
    Level 2: Immortal Member
    (Can die, but keeps coming back/reincarnating).
    Level 3: Immortal Member with power(s) and/or talent(s)(Cannot die).
    Level 4a: Guardian and/or Protectorate, Guard to the Royal Family, or training of talent with higher powers.
    Level 4b: Higher Level of Level 3, higher level of training, and/or change of trainer(s).
    Level 5: Have the symbols/coloring of a higher L.I.W./A.D. Member. (White body, yellow circles on palm and bottom of the foot, one of the L.I.W./A.D. symbols n the forehead. I.E. a two half moons connected or facing opposite directions.)
    Level 6a: Have one of the Higher forehead symbols. (The full circle/moon purple diamond or a green tree.)
    Level 6b: Have one of the Higher forehed symbols, but is inactive or is an Elder on the High Council.
    (On Dragoshia)
    To be continued until further notice!

    L.I.W./A.D. Members and Member Levels

    Level 1a: Ability to use powers of the elements and control them plus the teaching of general knowledge. (Powers are of the mimimal range and must be trained and expanded.)
  • Symbol: Half moons touching or facing away from each other.

  • Member Example: Blite

  • Level 1b: Ability to use powers of the elements, although the powers are wild and not easy to control. Knowledge at this level must be given carefully and explained in detail for the dragon/being to fully comprehend. (Such levels as this must be restricted until the dragon can learn to control her/his/its powers.)
  • Symbol: Half moons touching or facing away from each other

  • Member Example: Aria

  • Level 2a: Ability to command the elements or use your talent (if found by now.)
  • Symbol: Half moons connecting at the tips or facing away, back to back.

  • Member Example: Julyan. (He is not a God, but knows his talent and has greatly expanded on it.)

  • Level 2b: Same as Level 2, but the dragon/being can/is expanding on his/her/it's talents and is finding more, if any. Also optional training in certain areas, or training/teaching to become a God/Goddess.
  • Symbol: Same as Level 2a symbols, only if in trainging in a certain area, the dragon/being must wear a badge/symbol necklacve to show that dragon/being is in trainging of (enter are of trainging).

  • Member Example: Selana and Crovax. They have recently reached God and Goddess status of their elements/talents but are still in training.

  • Level 3a: Guardian/Protectorate or Royal Guard under the service of the King and/or Queen of Dragoshia Draigos or Draicon.
  • Symbol: The High symbols, or medallion. High symbol of a (purple) Cyrstal or Full circle.
  • Member Example: Skye, Psyconias, Elementas. Head Protectorate: Arbitus, Head Guardian: Artis. (Arbitus is the only one that has the symbol of a green tree, therefore he is the ONLY exception with the symbols.)

  • To be continued until further notice!

    All pictures not drawn(and with a page number) are from:
    Prentice Hall Literature:The English TraditionPRENTICE HALL, Englwood Cliffs, New Jersey.
    All pictures used from this book are Copyright 1989 by Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632
    ALSO, some of the pictures used are from Copy Right

    Also, The third image on Trista, under "Helper" is from

    Here is the daily "interesting" quote. More like morose and macabre!

    A Quote

    Shared Page With Lady_Rika, Selana and Crovax
    Creations Of L.I.W./A.D.
    Council Room Entrance
    Lady_Rika's Temple

    !The Lost Alamak Pages!
    Lady_Rika's Alamak Page
    Selana's Alamak Page
    Crovax's Alamak Page
    The Lost Page of Lady_Rika(before she was an Op)

    UNDER CONSRUCTION. Please be pateint! Thank you!