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Lunar Storm Fantasy
Here it is, the other design using a border frame. This one, believe it or not, was harder
than the last. Still, I like the look and I'm thinking that a Buffy one would be really cool.
So, look for more of this border design soon.

Luscious Watermelon | Lady Camille | Warrior Fairy | The Nanny Fairy | Pink Fairy | Moonlight Fairy | Fairy Princess | Floral Paradise | Queena Sprite | Sabina, Cloud Dancer | Forest Fae | Merlin | Lunar Storm Fantasy | Gem's

The Buffy Graphics

Spike and Dru | Riley | Buffy and Giles | Buffy and Giles, take two | Goth-o-liscious Buffy | Xander and Buffy Torn Apart | Buffy and Angel | Black and White Buffy | Vampire Family | Spike and Dru side border

Copyright Sha, 2000