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Please grab the code by right clicking and then
choosing view source.I could NEVER write it all
out and that makes it so much easier on all

Don't forget to save ALL graphics to your server
and to link back to me with the button below.

Luscious Watermelon | Lady Camille | Warrior Fairy
| The Nanny Fairy | Pink Fairy | Moonlight Fairy
| Fairy Princess | Floral Paradise | Queena Sprite
| Sabina, Cloud Dancer | Forest Fae | Merlin |
Lunar Storm Fantasy | Gem's

The Buffy Graphics

Spike and Dru | Riley | Buffy and Giles
| Buffy and Giles, take two | Goth-o-liscious Buffy
| Xander and Buffy| Torn Apart | Buffy and Angel
| Black and White Buffy | Vampire Family
| Spike and Dru side border