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You have to get the coding I did for this page as well as all the graphics. Just right click and view source. Remember to link back to me with the graphic at the bottom and let me know you used the set. I love to see how others use the stuff! *S*

Luscious Watermelon | Lady Camille | Warrior Fairy | The Nanny Fairy | Pink Fairy | Moonlight Fairy
| Fairy Princess | Floral Paradise | Queena Sprite | Sabina, Cloud Dancer| Forest Fae | Merlin | Lunar Storm Fantasy| Gem's

The Buffy Graphics

Spike and Dru | Riley | Buffy and Giles | Buffy and Giles, take two | Goth-o-liscious Buffy | Xander and Buffy | Torn Apart | Buffy and Angel| Black and White Buffy | Vampire Family | Spike and Dru side border