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Angels of Evangelion

This section basically tells about all the angels that the evas and their pilots have to fight. Each one was smarter that the last. They are all individual in their mehtods of attack and never come more than one at a time (with the exception of Israfel). The first two angels, Lillith and Adam were never fought against by Nerv in the 13 tape series. However, there are many references to them throughout the tapes. All the names come from the Dead Sea Scrolls, an actual document found at the Dead Sea Caves near Israel. The only thing about the angels that isn't based on the Dead Sea Scrolls is their appearance and means of attacking.

Appears in episode: --
Means of attacking: --
Lillith was the first angel, originally on earth at the beginning of time. According to Midrash (Jewish stories based on Torah), Lillith was the first "Eve." Since she insisted on being on top during sex, Adam asked God for a new wife, Eve, who was actually created from Adam. Lillith is held in central dogma, eternally crucified by the lance of longinous. In episode 24 we realize that Lillith is just a decoy for Adam.

Appears in episode: --
Means of attacking: --
Adam is another angel that was never fought, Adam is the source for building all the evas. He is the genetic background in the evas. Usually Gendou keeps Adam hidden away somewhere. The whole point of all the angels is to unite with Adam and thereby catalyze third impact so Gendou hides Adam and makes a big deal about Lillith to confuse the angels.

Appears in episode: 2
Means of attacking: Giant rays that come from the ground in the shape of a cross
This is the first angel we see in the 26 episode series. It was the simplest of the angels. Shinji was forced to fight it along with no knowledge on how to pilot the Eva. Eventually after Shinji was knocked out, his eva, "berserker," attacked Sachiel and killed it.

Appears in episode: 4
Means of attacking: Two whip-like tentacles that emit energy.
The second angel that the children are against is more formidable than the first angel. This fight would have been much easier if Kensuke and Touji hadn't interferred and caused Shinji to waste time saving them. Shinji killed this angel with a few seconds left on his back-up battery.









Bardiel (Eva unit-04)




Tabris (Kaoru Nagisa)

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