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Chrono Trigger

Chrono Trigger is a game created by squaresoft in 1995 for the Super NES console. It is an RPG with an interesting fighting system. You can see the enemies and try to avoid them unlike the Final Fantasy games, but in the battle the fighting system is very similar. Another interesting thing about Chrono Trigger is the magic system. Every so often when you accumulate enough tech points, you gain a new technique. Each character has 8 techniques. When two people are in your party, if they have two techniques that are compatable with each other the can use a double tech, where they would combine forces. Similarily there is a triple tech with three people in your party.

I suppose I should actually do something on this page that will help some Chrono Trigger Fans. So, I am pleased to tell you all the secrets I know. For any other Chrono Trigger-related questions about gameplay or if you're stuck e-mail me.

I also had to add this dancing Nu because they're cool and BLUE.

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