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Chrono Trigger Secrets

Here's all the Chrono Trigger Secrets I know.

Gold Rock:
To get the gold rock which allows you to do the triple tech "Grand Dream," go back to Denadoro Mts. in 600AD after you got the powered up Masamune. When you reach the part where the bird is throwing rocks at you, get hit with Frog as your leader and he will catch it.

13 Endings!!
To get all thirteen endings you have to first beat the game normally and then enter New Game +. When you enter Lucca's attraction you'll see that the right telepod has a little flash. If you inspect it you'll be transported to 1999 AD to fight with Lavos with Crono and Marle alone. This is the "ultimate" ending. To get the other 11 simply come back to this spot and fight Lavos whenever you can. Each time you'll get a different ending. You also get one if you lose against Lavos.

Get Magus on you team:
To get Magus on your team, when Crono dies leave the Earthbound Village and go North to the "North Cape" and talk to Magus. When he asks to fight select "no" and he will join you when you walk away.

Additional Sidequests:
65,000,000BC-Go to the Village Meeting Site and talk to the Nu he will give you the Silver Rock.


600AD-Repair the Northern Ruins
-Restore Fiona's Villa
-Go through Giant's Claw near the island where the Northern Ruins are and get the Rainbow shell.
-Go through Ozzie's hideout and don't miss the secret items
-Open all the sealed black boxes but don't take the items. You'll find out why later.

1000AD- Go to the castle after you get the Rainbow Shell.
-Go get Robo back from Fiona's Villa (if you repaired Fiona's Villa)
-Open all the black boxes again and take the items. They should have leveled up and gotten stronger.

2300AD- Go to the Geno Dome south of the Factory and the Proto Dome.
-Do the sunstone quest.
-Open all the sealed doors and get the treasures (there is a sealed door in almost every dome)

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